What do you think?



Like i said in a previous post this is my first ever grow and it's outdoors, i'm not sure how it's going so i thought i'd upload a few pics of the beginning flowering stage and see what you guys think, pictures aren't great because camera isn't too good and the sun doesn't help so i'll take more later.



Well-Known Member
Looking good what strain.. just took 3 outta my 6 and harvested yesterday... now I am looking at other peoples grows wanting to have plants IN the ground... never happy I guess lol


Well-Known Member
Good job I hope you can leave that for 3 or 4 more weeks and she'll really fill out by then. Looks a lil weak now but in no time it should fill right out bottom to top with bud. If you have any nutes at all hit it with hard if you have allready done so, lightly if you haven't. Even Molasses will work too. Cow shit/bat guano, all purpose fert 20 20 20 even ETC. Anyway don't spend much if that's all you have just helps when it's cost worthy/ economical.


Haha yeah it's my first grow ever!

And thank you for the advice Codster, i'll leave it as long as it takes i just hope i get the timing right and not too late lol


Active Member
Beginners luck, =P ha just playin those are some good lookin ladies. And to your question about when to classify them as buds i guess you would say they are buds now. May not have a distinguished cola yet but you sure got some buds. For the ferts the other guy recommended id stay away from a balanced 20-20-20 id go more towards the 0-10-10 at half strength first time and the next kick it up until your confident she can take it. I personally use Humbolt Bloom http://www.humboldtnutrients.com/blog/bloom/. Good shit if i might add. Keep posting updates bro im new on this site too but man have i learned a bunch. Good luck and happy growing.