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  1. hogbud

    Autoflower lighting?

    Let me ask you this, have you gone to the site I linked and seen my setup with the tanning booth? How many "experts" would tell you you could grow plants like that with T5's over 2 feet away from the canopy? I spent years here teaching new growers, all the info is...
  2. hogbud

    If Your a New Grower, You're gonna wanna see this!

    it's all science and logic and would take me a bit to explain, right now I'm at work but if there is a real interest I could write a ditty when I get home
  3. hogbud

    Autoflower lighting?

    that is true
  4. hogbud

    Autoflower lighting?

    as they grew did you raise the light? did they grow into each other?
  5. hogbud

    Autoflower lighting?

    Oh they stink when you harvest and dry, but not as bad as if they were already stinking and no panties in a wad your post made me laugh much the same
  6. hogbud

    Autoflower lighting?

    so glad the truth entertains you
  7. hogbud

    Autoflower lighting?

    if you mean 100 watt equivalent cfl's ? then yes your good
  8. hogbud

    If Your a New Grower, You're gonna wanna see this!

    Gay rainbow trics,,,really LMAO You see new growers, when you share a truth the nay sayers will always bash you for it, they either don't wanna know the truth or don't want you to know it? Every grower that has tried the stuff I teach has come back and said thank you so much (I did not make...
  9. hogbud

    If Your a New Grower, You're gonna wanna see this!

    It's really pretty simple you can either grow the mystical forum way and get pretty decent black market weed or you can grow happy plants and have that fire bud that every one dreams about. I wonder, how many have made charas? how many have brown bushed a plant? prolly very few, most folks...
  10. hogbud

    Possible hermi pls advise

    yeah that ol moon light is blue, no way we would use that in our veg rooms to reduce stretch or build roots, and no way all those HPS street lights would make enough light to be compared to an LED on an electronic device I've actually done the 24 hour all blue light in flower experiment and...
  11. hogbud

    Possible hermi pls advise

    must not be reading my post I'm Riddleme reincarnated, I've done more research on this plant than you can imagine, not to mention I have an open garden where my open veg room behind my flower room shines properly PAR'd light all over and I have only had 2 hermies in 5 years (one I did on...
  12. hogbud

    Possible hermi pls advise

    so untrue explain street lights and the moon ?
  13. hogbud

    If Your a New Grower, You're gonna wanna see this!

    And for all you haters,,,, how many of your buds are one hit wonders? all of mine are and hate all you want but it has been verified many times by folks that come to visit and post in forums. I've had folks come from 6 different states (not just Colorado) just to talk, get some seeds and sample...
  14. hogbud

    If Your a New Grower, You're gonna wanna see this!

    Well if you actually read all my stuff you would have learned that I had a bit of time in prison in between grows and as I stated there was a lot of "new" stuff to wade thru. I also was a bit leery of sharing in the beginning due to history, having served time for MJ if you get my drift...
  15. hogbud

    If Your a New Grower, You're gonna wanna see this!

    To be fair, I did find one study where the amber trics had all turned to CBN, it was in a 2700 hundred year old tomb in China, actually very interesting,,,,
  16. hogbud

    If Your a New Grower, You're gonna wanna see this!

    I have always started threads with controversy and then buried good stuff deep within so that folks reading the whole thread are rewarded
  17. hogbud

    only one leaf?

    your plant is re-veggin it's called monster cropping and when it takes of it will be awesome
  18. hogbud

    If Your a New Grower, You're gonna wanna see this!

    There will always be opinions but they are not always the truth, some can't handle the truth, some don't wanna know the truth, but in the end the truth is still the truth will it prevail is the question?
  19. hogbud

    If Your a New Grower, You're gonna wanna see this!

    well all the test I shared have citations and those test back it up Hell 3 of em came from
  20. hogbud

    If Your a New Grower, You're gonna wanna see this!

    Yeah, that's good point, I should prolly not care and not share the truth, my life would be much easier