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  1. hogbud

    Give a little get a lot

    Did ya check that site link?
  2. hogbud

    If Your a New Grower, You're gonna wanna see this!

    I posted this info across a couple of threads but looks like only 30 or so members saw it? So I thought I put it all together for ya in one neat little post. If you are here looking to learn how to grow marijuana, your in the wrong place ! Now if your here looking to share your grow with others...
  3. hogbud

    Eagle Claws and Canoes

    major heat/moisture stress goin on up in there
  4. hogbud

    larry og low watt grow

    Molasses does not do anything for the plant, plants don't eat sugar LOL Molasses feeds the micos in the root zone and there is no way it could ever double your yields. The forum nonsense never stops does it
  5. hogbud

    Soilless PH 5.8 or 6.5

    Been growing in peat for years and even reuse it, been on the same bale for 30 grows LOL I add dolomite every time and have never had a problem. Is so funny to read that peat is not a good medium. IMO you have something else going on
  6. hogbud


    ppl are wrong, there are no nutes in buds, ppl should read a botany book instead of things posted in forums. nutes are converted to sugars and carbs within the plant and understanding a proper cure is what makes em taste good. You can't flush nutes out of a bud but some ppl will never get it LOL
  7. hogbud

    Help with Trichome ID

    Wow, I tell ya the secret and show you that the forum hype is off a tad and got no flamers, then it goes on with attacks and arguments? Don't you guys wanna learn? this is a 5 inch tall clone of RM3's Wonderland that has been in veg for 2 weeks, covered in trics and yes already showing amber...
  8. hogbud

    Give a little get a lot

    IMO using the wick system is = to giving up control but should still get better yields with a proper veg and the right nutes
  9. hogbud

    Give a little get a lot

    no PM privilege yet? Lumens is a measurement for how humans see light, PAR is what matters to plants would not use advanced nutes if they were free !!! for hydro use DynaGro Foliage Pro all the way thru For soil/soil less use Jack's Classic Citrus FeeD 20-10-20 all the way thru soil less is...
  10. hogbud


    an old but good thread,,,,,,,,,,,
  11. hogbud

    Give a little get a lot

    I have taken 100's under my wing They know that Lumens mean NOTHING They never use bloom nutes They average 8 to 12 oz's per plant (indoors) They NEVER flush before harvest They grow some of the best buds you'll ever see what kind of suggestions you lookin for ?
  12. hogbud

    Anyone have book recommendations for plant problems? Trust me, it has every possible problem with every possible solution and is only $14
  13. hogbud

    Anyone have book recommendations for plant problems?

    Marijuana Garden Saver
  14. hogbud

    Growing techniques specific to producing hash

    understood you perfectly, the guys that use that method make BHO from the buds, you said you wanted to make hash, they do it to get more oil. Did not say it was the right way for what you are planning, it is simply a method to grow more trics. properly adding sulfur makes more trics and so does...
  15. hogbud

    Help with Trichome ID

    not rude at all and doing your research is great but please remember not everything you find on the web is the truth
  16. hogbud

    Growing techniques specific to producing hash

    Not sure it has a name? but involves the removal of all leaves, I have never done it but saw it on a site I think it was icmag? Plant Growth Regulator I don't flush at the end, IMO it is an overall bad practice
  17. hogbud

    PH Problem or N Deficiency?

    read this
  18. hogbud

    Growing techniques specific to producing hash

    there is a trimming/prunning method but works best in a verticle sog and is controversial with nutes the secret ingredient is sulfur with PGR's the secret is jasmonites ie: Jaz rose spray (not yet available in all states)
  19. hogbud

    Help with Trichome ID

    another great book is Marijuana Chemistry also all over the web
  20. hogbud

    Help with Trichome ID

    Silica is found in most all soils, but I am a soil less grower, I use sunshine mix #4 in a 50/50 mix with hydrotron (calcined clay gives off sulfur much the same way dolomite gives off Mag) remembering that sulfur is the magic secret for great MJ Silica also helps the plants immune system for...