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  1. wheels619

    1000 watter ?

    i use the glow from my old led backlit watch. it works amazing. tons of bud. lol.
  2. wheels619

    to wheels or not to wheels.

    i would but my crippled ass is in a wheelchair. so the legs arent gonna work and my back has so much hardware in it from surguries that my back pain will never go away. only thing that helps is a deep tissue massage with hands. gotta be done with a strong set of hand that can feel the metal in...
  3. wheels619

    to wheels or not to wheels.

    also ive decided to put three more cuts outside later today. gonna use them as a back up just incase the other 5 cheese do decide to reveg on my ass. lol. should still be interesting to say the least. pics later today of the outdoor stuff.
  4. wheels619

    to wheels or not to wheels.

    fuck dude. i hate not being able to fuckin sleep. back pain and the uncomfortable part sucks. grrrr.
  5. wheels619

    5150's Backyard 2013

    damn dude. good shit man. they got big as hell fast. lol.
  6. wheels619

    5150's Backyard 2013

    ive been considering an actual greenhouse for my yard. id like to do veggies all outside and have the greenhouse packed with plants. was looking at a 10x12 for next year but a decent one i want is gonna run me like 1000+ bucks.
  7. wheels619

    5150's Backyard 2013

    even better. never considered doing it that way.
  8. wheels619

    5150's Backyard 2013

    yeah but see the problem is that i cant have lights running in the middle of the night. pesky neighbors. good idea tho. id rock it if i could.
  9. wheels619

    5150's Backyard 2013

    damn. when are you going to put your clones out? ive been considering doing the same thing if the plants i have outside start reveging. although they are fairly large. maybe ill put some cuts outside to get a little something on the side just in case. also i didnt realize you could get that...
  10. wheels619

    5150's Backyard 2013

    how big will the plants in the video get by the end of the season with the reveg? much thanks for answering my questions.
  11. wheels619

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    oh hell im way too shit faced to make sure these guys dont burn your house down. lol. i just pop in from time to time to check up. good luck all.
  12. wheels619

    5150's Backyard 2013

    hey a quick question. how long do your plants take to reveg once you put them outside. i have 5 cheeses outdoor that have been out for about a month and a half and have never reveged. they just continued vegging and have now started flowering i believe. seems too early in the season for me but...
  13. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    i always do. id burn one with the popo if he had brought his own sack to the smoke session.
  14. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    from where? san ysidro? try longer for me. lol. and was that burn one with you guys or smoke with him for you? baked? why yes i am. :)
  15. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    either way its still 2.5 hours. lmao.
  16. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    no gas money. plus bc is working like 7 days a week right now or something. so i have no gas and he has no free time. so we suck. lol.
  17. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    oh yeah. only like 2.5 hours. lol. i was a wee bit confused. get ur tolerance up yet?
  18. wheels619

    F.M.I.L.Y's Grow

    huh? 56789
  19. wheels619

    to wheels or not to wheels.

    thats what i thought. but i looked and they are flowering. full blown flowering. :( they never reveged either so im kinda stumped. they have been outside for a few months already. maybe its just time for them.
  20. wheels619

    1000 watter ?

    oh you mean double the equipment. another 500+ isnt easy to fork out.