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  1. theinfected

    My PC Grow

    well it isnt much just an empty box, lol just a load of metal gone now. i just dont know what to do for the front now, i didnt really want to tear apart my cd/dvd players to glue the faces in to make it look legit, then i wont ever be able to use those plaers again , correct?
  2. theinfected

    sprite marijuana?

    i did some research and it said that smoking sugar can cause the sugar to crystallize in your lungs. and other research showed that sugar doesn't burn that it explodes? not sure if these statements are correct. what do you all think?
  3. theinfected

    sprite marijuana?

    so im getting a bunch of mixed votes here some saying it isnt harmful and some saying it is?.. lets see whats the final verdict
  4. theinfected

    My PC Grow

    after my recent hand injury i have been moving slowly but i finally got the PC Stripped here a quick look im leaving the power supply, going to have it hooked up so i can run the fans off of it and that way it even sounds like its a running computer. now i just need to begin construction. i...
  5. theinfected

    sprite marijuana?

    yea but im just looking at the worse case scenario here so that i know i am safe in the long run after smoking it. i just wanted ot make sure it was a for sure safe thing to do even if it was misted with sprite
  6. theinfected

    sprite marijuana?

    yea but my question is .. if it was sprite, will my throat or lungs be harmed?
  7. theinfected

    sprite marijuana?

    yea i understand so i technically got robbed huh i just hope its not harmful to smoke? would the sugar sprayed onto the MJ harm my lungs or throat when burned?
  8. theinfected

    sprite marijuana?

    ok, so i was at my dealers house getting my normal pickup and i noticed something a little strange. he had a bottle of sprite, wit a spray bottle top on the top of the sprite bottle. right next to the bottle was a bunch of marijuana sitting on the table looked like it was just misted. i didnt...
  9. theinfected

    My PC Grow

    well construction is going to be postponed for a day or two i just completly screwed my hand over. Severly burned it with a soldering iron between the crease of thumb and index finger and my thumb and index finger got a huge burn mark and im sure it'll turn into a giant blister. not really...
  10. theinfected

    My PC Grow

    do u have a thread of ur pc grow?
  11. theinfected

    My PC Grow

    yea man wait till u see wut im working on im really trying to make it work just i keep running into 1 obstacle after another. this case is the devil, lol. it is like some unbendable steel or something. one i pass an obstacle another one is immediately presented to me
  12. theinfected

    My PC Grow

    ill be posting up some pics in a little bit just trying to get more work done on it
  13. theinfected

    My PC Grow

    well im just about done completly stripping the pc case down . it was worse then hell getting that metal out of there
  14. theinfected

    My PC Grow

    ok forget last post, i got the PS working and i have it operating a few fans. but my new question is, whats the proper way to get rid of all the extra wires on it, do i just completly snip them off? or does that ruin the PS?
  15. theinfected

    power supply running pc fans

    im tyring to follow this DIY - it shows how to make a power supply operate wtihout a motherboard/pcu in order to let it operate fans, but when i do it my PS starts and then shuts off in the matter of 1second. does this mean my PS is fryed?
  16. theinfected

    My PC Grow

    im trying to follow this tut but my power supply turns on and then right back off? any1 have any idea why? is my ps fried?
  17. theinfected

    My PC Grow

    im also wondering, you think i should line my pc with reflective material? orr should the metal itself act as reflective material? or can the metal cause burns on the plants?
  18. theinfected

    My PC Grow

    so thats what your going to run in your pc grow? i think im just going to run soil grow. im going to have about 2-3 fans im going to have them run off of my power supply i think if i can make proper space in there, but im still not sure how im going to get the lights in there in a proper way, im...
  19. theinfected

    My PC Grow

    nevermind a hydroponic set up gotcha
  20. theinfected

    My PC Grow

    im not sure what a DWC system is?