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  1. El chopchop

    trainwreck in areogarden

    do they have any name on the pakaging at all? i'm using a home-made system so I need to buy all my nuets from local shops but you cant exactly ask which ones are best for growing ganja if you know what I mean!
  2. El chopchop

    trainwreck in areogarden

    Nice bush!! just startin in aero gardenin myself - how long and how often are you sprayin the roots and what mix of nutrients are you usin? any help would be greatly appreciated! Nice plants dude - keep it up...
  3. El chopchop

    Just signed up!!

    Thanks for the welcome, I've just started to grow using an aeroponic setup after about 2 an a half years of growing with soil - havin a few teething problems but nothing too serious! just wondered how other growers were doin it...:bigjoint:
  4. El chopchop

    root spraying times

    Yeah man nice gear! couple of questions tho... are you usin your aero setup just for cloning? like I said before i been doing some research and i'm gonna use my home built setup from start to finish! i reckon its just a matter of correct lighting and nutrient balance when flowering begins and...
  5. El chopchop

    root spraying times

    hey dude what sort of system you runnin? i just got somethin I put together myself but the system itself works fine if i could just sort out the spray times!!:wall:
  6. El chopchop

    Just signed up!!

    yo yo people! new to the forum just thought id stop in to say hello, booyah and I swear i didnt cum in you pete... blaze on and increase the peacebongsmilie
  7. El chopchop

    Build your own-DWC Bubbleponics,Drip System Cheap

    Hey posted this a couple of times but got no reply. Im trying to find someone who knows about aeroponic grow systems - you up for a challenge?
  8. El chopchop

    Upside down grow.

    hey malady, Do you by any chance know anythin about aeroponics? bin searchin but not many members are online...
  9. El chopchop

    root spraying times

    yo yo people! bin lookin at the forum for a few weeks now and you all seem to be pretty up on everything to do with growing so maybe someone can help me? I been growing for the last two years or so using high grade potting soil but recently I have decided to branch out into aeroponic...