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  1. sirus420

    Drying plant-2 1/2 weeks old

    High I got a pllant that i added extra lights too and it got to hot last night and dryed the plant up a bit. Now the stem and middle portion is fine but the outer leaves are crispy. I took her out of it this mornign and out onto the windowsill for th day, its just afteroon now. Will my plant be...
  2. sirus420

    Diesel Ryder under two 42w CFL

    wow man i can only dream mine comes out half as nice. what week did you start using nutes?
  3. sirus420

    New Farmer-CFL 2 weeks in

    Its just in my regular size closet on one side in a shelvingn unit. about two feet in every way for a perfect box. I made a hhuge mistake last night addidng 4 more 23 w bulbs without a fan and now my plant is dry :cuss: My other little plant has sprouted and is doin fine though. I immediattly...
  4. sirus420

    2 weeks in; CFL 300 watt

    Ya man lookin nice im havin the same thing goin on with them not stretching just getin bushy, but thats good right??
  5. sirus420

    6 days in

    Yo man..POWER TO THE CFL FARMERS!!!. haha anyway looks alright for the start. You are really going to want to drop those lights down to 2 inches away from the top of the plant. Every day check and raise the lights if needed. The next step is to put more lights in there. I myself need to get more...
  6. sirus420

    New Farmer-CFL 2 weeks in

    Hi everyone. I'm new at growing and managed to get a seed to germinate and sprout. I have no idea what kind of strain it is or if its a female yet. I have "it" under 1 45w and two other 23w, all CFL. My plant is in Miracle Grow dirt. Im goin to keep a journal on here but will only be able to...