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  1. T

    power out

    well i was about three weeks in but they were outside. i just put them under a 1000w eye hortilux 3 days ago.
  2. T

    power out

    they just came on, so it was just over 1.5 hours. should i leave the lights on longer today to make up for it or just go about 12/12 ?
  3. T

    power out

    the power is out and my lights were suposed to be on 1.5 hours ago. will this mess them up?
  4. T

    First time. 4*6 shed using a 1000w hortilux

    Im using a tin shed that is about 5 feet to the top of the gabel. they were in about the third week of flowering outside. does anyone have any tips or pointers that would help me out?
  5. T

    First time. 4*6 shed using a 1000w hortilux

    i decided to bring 4 plants in from outside. they were in there third week of flowering. any tips would be awsome.