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  1. M

    nutrition for the first time *first time grower*

    hi guys , this site is a huge help for me , really informative and full of great people who shares the passion ;) so my first grow is going well , my plant is 13 days old , i dont know if i should start using some nutrition or not . my medium is half moss and half per-lite ( the moss part...
  2. M

    just checking out my progress so far

    2 days ago and just now before i took the pics . i was watering it using the spray . today i gave it a full watering as it seems the spray is not working
  3. M

    just checking out my progress so far

    hi guys , this is my first post here and my first attempt at growing , i germinated my seed using a water cup first then the napkins . i planted it using a half half perlite and moss medium . its growing good . the pics are the most recent ( 9-10 days) . i notice that the plant follows the...