Search results

  1. R

    Dr. Chronic not shipping to US?

    bc bud depot sucks dick!!!!!!! i spent dam near 300 and didnt get shit and when i emailed them they said theyd put me on a list, fuck bc bud depot
  2. R

    is a $800 a month power bill 2 much???

    i think im going get some light movers and stop veging while i flower and just do it all in 1 room you guys are spooking me, i thought everybodys bill was high like mine, i knew we used a lot there are 3 medical card holders in my house and we all gro2gether but i didnt know 800 was really that...
  3. R

    Dr. Chronic not shipping to US?

    the doc is the shit!!! i hope he didnt stop shipping 2 the us, i aint ordering from nirvana any more they sent me some bunk ass wonder womans, 1 of my packages got took out the mail from the doc and he resent them the doc is the shit, and i just ordered some alaskan ice and ultra haze1 about 3...
  4. R

    Is ti ok if i put more than one plant it a container?

    get some 12 gallon pots/garbage cans and make a y spacer for the middle you can put 3 plants in there just fine, tie them down 2 the outside of the pot so they got there own grow area dont let them grow straight up you want them 2 grow at a angle
  5. R

    is a $800 a month power bill 2 much???

    ive never heard of people taping into power, who would i call 2 have that checked out? and do they have 2 come in my house when they check
  6. R

    is a $800 a month power bill 2 much???

    i run lumatek duel 6s a few of them and sentinel controlers in a flood and drain system with all the goodies, i was thinking about gettn some light rails 2 get rid of 1 or 2 of my duel 6s, my bill was 280-350 last year winter when i didnt grow in my house
  7. R

    is a $800 a month power bill 2 much???

    in the winter i averaged about 280-350 without growing its doubled sence last year
  8. R

    is a $800 a month power bill 2 much???

    all this talk about people gettn caught because of there power bills has me spooked!!! do you think a 800 a month power bill is 2 much in the bay area, 4 bed 2 bath, ive tried 2 cut down, i run nothing!! but my bill stays high, any ideas? and no i dont want free power, i have my medical card so...
  9. R

    Question about breeding pls help!!!

    hi, im on my second round of growing seeds ive allways used clones in the past, i got about 43 seedlings going right now, one of my strains is THE SHIT, heres my question- if i get 1 female out of my 12 seedlings of THE SHIT can i breed it 2 one of my THE SHIT males? or is this inbreeding and...
  10. R

    Help! 2weeks from chop small buds

    it looks like you veged them too long there huge, next round dont veg so long put them into flower when there smaller and youll be able 2 fit 14 with a 400, i build my roots first under a flor, then i put them into veg under 600s for no more than a 10 days most the time only 6 days, when i...
  11. R

    Trade co2 gen and 8 light timer

    its not just me!!! i just had my sis, brother, and 2 friends try all on different computers we all get the same responce you need a account, your the only person i know of right now that can post with out a account
  12. R

    PRE-PAID VISA..buying with attitude..

    pre-paid visas work, i cant recommend a strain im new 2 seeds too, there fun tho taking care of them and watching them grow
  13. R

    info pls!! 1 of my seedling flowered in 18-6

    thank you thank you thats what i want 2 hear
  14. R

    info pls!! 1 of my seedling flowered in 18-6

    thats what ive been worryin about, is there anything i can give them 2 help with the stress
  15. R

    can anyone help me w/ a temperature ?

    ive never tried 2 sprout seeds in the cold i was told they have 2 be warm i allways put mine on top of a heat mat, good luck
  16. R

    info pls!! 1 of my seedling flowered in 18-6

    yea they are stretching your going 2 laugh im using a kragen auto shop light, LOL, i started them while my others were in flower so its all i had at the time, i just bought a mh 400 2day, they will be under it 2marrow, all im going 2 do is hit them with 24-0 untill i can take 2 clones apiece...
  17. R

    info pls!! 1 of my seedling flowered in 18-6

    apasunee, you must not be signed in, my friend in a different city just went on rui and he can see them too, it must be your connection
  18. R

    info pls!! 1 of my seedling flowered in 18-6

    this dont make sence, are the attachments there,and are you looking on the first page,i edited my first post and added them 2 that
  19. R

    How many of you will give in to RDIF chips?

    there going 2 fucking far!!!!! fuck them and there chip!!!!! im a felon the last time i was in the pen they passed a law anybody convicted of any kind of felony has 2 give dna, i got all drug charges and they took my fucking dna, you know they got 24-7 camras up on light poles all over fairfield...
  20. R

    Trade co2 gen and 8 light timer

    thank you but i just emailed craigslist 2 see why there not texing me my code for my account, cross your fingers for me, they got craigslist all twisted, my chick just told me they changed it because they got sued over all the scams that people were running threw them, i going 2 stick 2 ebay...