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  1. puff puff pa$$

    NFT closet grow

    thanks just had a look at yours :) not bad, hope all go's well for ya
  2. puff puff pa$$

    Bigz 2012 Hydro grow. (virgin grow)

    looking good so far, subbed for the ride :)
  3. puff puff pa$$

    NFT closet grow

    Decided get me closet(1mx1.2mx2m)grow on again as i was given 2 unknown plants last night im a sucker for a suprise lol, no idea of strain but deffo females any idea's if there sativa or indica? Put them on veg in a gt205 nft tub under a 250w hps with 18/6 of light,will up the light to a 600w...
  4. puff puff pa$$

    Getting my closet grow on again

    looool meant if could tell if it was a sativa or indica?
  5. puff puff pa$$

    unknown plants any idea of strain??

    any idea's if its a indica or sativa??
  6. puff puff pa$$

    Getting my closet grow on again

    Decided get me closet(1mx1.2mx2m)grow on again as i was given 2 unknown plants last night im a sucker for a suprise lol, no idea of strain but deffo females any idea's on the strain? sativa or indica? Put them on veg in a gt205 nft tub under a 250w hps with 18/6 of light,will up the light to a...
  7. puff puff pa$$

    Root Riot or Rockwool

    I use root riot cubes for clones then transplant to 3 inch rockwools done this for years with no probs
  8. puff puff pa$$

    eliminating water pump vibration?

    I use 6 inch foam under mine, works for me
  9. puff puff pa$$

    A little input, with pics

    i would tie them down aswell or move the light up cuz you got 1 that looks like its growing past the light anyways, but if you move the light up i think they will just keep stretching to it
  10. puff puff pa$$

    trying a new strain WHITE RHINO

    A good friend gave me a couple of white rhino last week never grown it before so im looking forward to it, last 3 crops ive grown jackie white so im abit bored of it now plus the strain is getting weak now,still wont complain nxt week at crop time bongsmilie lol. I took cuts straight away off...
  11. puff puff pa$$

    A Newb Grow Journal

    i just mist my clones everyday and i always make sure the rookwools feel a little damp almost dry really(because you want the roots that are starting to grow to spread out and search for a drink)always worked for me. nice setup you got going will be watching good luck
  12. puff puff pa$$

    scissors and maintenance

    I just chuck them in with the washing up after they have dryed and been scraped
  13. puff puff pa$$

    A Newb Grow Journal

    will be watching again good luck
  14. puff puff pa$$

    Private messages lost

    i had a message off a soft secrets contributing editor wanting use one of me pics i had on mutant plants and now its gone and i cant find the forum i posted it in either, proper shit