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  1. G


    Looks like a girl, you'll know for sure in the next week.....
  2. G

    How far along?

    They look like they have a ways to go. Get you a jewelers magnifying glass, they are on Ebay for 3 or 4 dollars, take about a week to ship. I just got mine and it will make all the sense in the world to you when you actually see than. Good luck.
  3. G

    Slow Starter

    I am on my second grow. These were purchased from a site-recommended source. They are feminized, they are taller than first time, but very tiny leaves. They are still seedlings, only 2 weeks in pots. Should I be concerned? Or let nature take its course?
  4. G

    Harvest time

    Can anyone give me a simple cut, dry and cure program which has worked for them? So confusing, not sure which approach to take. Thanks
  5. G


    This is a pic recently taken. I will post another or two for comments on when they will be ready to go. Thanks a bunch.
  6. G


    These were taken in the light for better view. Thanks for any replies...
  7. G


  8. G


    These are 7 weeks flowering. Not sure what strain they are and wondering when they'll be ready for harvest.
  9. G


    First time grower, 1 female, appx 7 weeks in flower under 400HPS. Most of all my fan leaves are yellow and falling off. I have really nice buds with white hairs. Strain seems saliva, everything looks great. The buds keep getting fatter. When will the trychromes start to appear?