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  1. bud nugbong

    A fungus among us

    :lol: yesssss, I had to start somewhere. Ive got some rye berries colonizing :peace:
  2. bud nugbong

    A fungus among us

    Took my butt over to shroomery to get support, but ill still keep you guys posted...Im glad I learned the art of patients with bud, but I am finally starting to see pins.
  3. bud nugbong

    Crazy Fruits 14/15 grow

    Oh my how they have grown, It seems a lot faster when I only check once in a while. They look nice and healthy. good luck with your buggers.
  4. bud nugbong

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    Oh man you are telling me. I am pretty sure I know who it was, but I should have had cameras. I actually live in a very secluded area, but fat teens down the street like to walk by my house and peek. And they actually came back 2 nights in a row, so you gota be pretty comfortable doing that. I...
  5. bud nugbong

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    And speaking of the poll, I don't think I commented on it. I was very happy to see almost half of the folks had success. And wish I separated rippers and police. I bet most of those were rippers and not police. Just would have really liked to see how little the police effect things. Give people...
  6. bud nugbong

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    Thanks joe, I closed the poll just in case people started voting for the 2014 harvest. This year I had punk ass kids decide when to harvest for me:evil:. But at least I got most of it. I got into dry sieve, then ISO, then BHO over the last couple years, but now i'm all edibles. I was just...
  7. bud nugbong

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    Yea your right, And thanks for your input. Its not just because they are black. I can imagine being in their shoes. Having that us vs them mentality. I remember learning about slavery when I was young. I felt almost guilty about it. And if I were black I would feel like I was owed something...
  8. bud nugbong

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    Saw this on some forum this morning. Sad but mostly true. If there are 5 blacks per 100 people, everyone applauds how integrated the community is. At 5-10% black there is an occasional spike in loudness, but it's usually isolated and brief. People are usually too embarrassed to say anything...
  9. bud nugbong

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    Its official, I no longer smoke:shock:...I took a break and just had edibles. Coughed up all the shit in my lungs. (ive smoked damn near every day for 6+ years, and occasionally 5 years before that. (11 total)) and every time ive even taken one hit it was not enjoyable. 4 puffs over the last...
  10. bud nugbong

    Crazy Fruits 14/15 grow

    my eyes started to water when I saw those jars!:-P
  11. bud nugbong

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    I finally tried some of my new butter (on the stove and not so smooth) The way I did it called for no water, leaving the bud in to cool, reheat then strain. I didn't expect anything, but it does get the job done (not the strongest). I will never try it again, I spoiled myself with the easy croc...
  12. bud nugbong

    Crazy Fruits 14/15 grow

    Hell yea, that's why im so mind boggled. I cant even imagine what that feels like.
  13. bud nugbong

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    This one goes out to marion barry. A wonderful African American hero;-)...If your fairly young like me and don't really remember any of the shit read about it. insane.
  14. bud nugbong

    Crazy Fruits 14/15 grow

    your making me miss summer:|...what do you have planned for the superhots? I can barely handle jalapenos. I cant imagine that hotness.:bigjoint:
  15. bud nugbong

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    I would have much rather heard of a taser killing a man than one getting his life choked out of him. At least then you could say the cop was just doing his job. And his heart really was weak... Strangling a man to death when you have 2 other officers with you is not acceptable. health issues or...
  16. bud nugbong

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    Yea I could see if lives were at risk. This dude is dead because he was selling loose cigarettes and captain chokehold decided to choke him out...tasers baby
  17. bud nugbong

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    Don't tell me where shit belongs you internet janitor..I just got lucky I passed out I guess.
  18. bud nugbong

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    I don't want to hear anyone defending the cop, im sure his buddies in the union changed some details on the police report to help him out a bit.
  19. bud nugbong

    Buds outdoor adventure 2014

    LOL, I tried to switch my style up and make the stove top butter :wall:..I think ill stick with the croc pot. I got it way too hot, had it bubbling pretty hard at one point and I wouldn't be surprised if I cooked the THC away. I didn't even go the full hour, put it in the fridge overnight before...
  20. bud nugbong

    Lets talk stocks

    yea that's a bit scary. I hate politics! The longer I live in this world the crazier it seems. Is this why I have to set up with the state now for my MMJ? they trying to suck more taxes out of people? Uncle sam is going to want a piece of that action too. This country is in a rough patch for...