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  1. TheFucknChrOnic

    So many to choose from..

    thanks,yea i was looking more after i posted and found all of what u just said..waste of a thread lol sorry
  2. TheFucknChrOnic

    So many to choose from..

    does any one know wich site carries purple strains that can be trusted i order from attitude,and i would say that of all the online seed buyers i see posting on RIU the tude is my opinion the most trusted,and has lots of positive feedback..only they dont carry some of the strains that...
  3. TheFucknChrOnic

    First Grow/First Journal:White Castle,Train Wreck,LA Woman,Lemon Skunk-CFL 900w

    also should i be trying to aid the drastic yellowing and dying off i got goin on?..i know its normal later into flower but this early? should i ad some N or some one said CAL MAG or somthing?
  4. TheFucknChrOnic

    Considering taking shrooms

    lol actualy i couldnt stop moving..had i been anywere other then the safty of my home i would have woke up in a padded room with out a doubt
  5. TheFucknChrOnic

    Considering taking shrooms

    it was progressive,started of normal,then got real good and funny,then chilled and mellow then the bag was empty i was all alone and it got f*ckn ugly lolol..real f*uckd up trip
  6. TheFucknChrOnic

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    so put 1/4 strength growbig andd your normal dosage of tiger bloom in the same container?..i didnt know they could be mixed..look at that ya learn somthin new everyday lol
  7. TheFucknChrOnic

    First Grow/First Journal:White Castle,Train Wreck,LA Woman,Lemon Skunk-CFL 900w

    lol ya im good,nothing some rubbing alchohol and duct tape cant fix anyway i put some poland spring bottle diy co2 dispenser jammies in there,i havnt seen any dif in them and its been in there for the past 10 hours..but i dno how that stuff works,just figured id give it a whirl. if...
  8. TheFucknChrOnic

    what do you guys think is the most visual psychedelic?

    ive done my fair share of mushrooms,dust,salvia and acid blotters..i once smoked a whole newport 100 dipped in dust juice while hitting bowls of salvia(50:1) and hash..but considering the low grade of acid u find,if yuou find any,i would have to say no trip was more intence visualy then a good...
  9. TheFucknChrOnic

    Considering taking shrooms

    mann do it..good or bad will def be one hell of an experience. i used to eat them like they wer candy,ive eatn up to 9grams to the face...anythin you wnna know about it man pm me,i got you lol
  10. TheFucknChrOnic

    plants in 102 degrees for 8 hours... buds fried?

    i was actualy having this discusion earlier today..i was told something about the thc turning to cannibioids or how ever thats spelled,and will just mostly give the bud more a paralyzing couchlock temps since flower have not been lower than 86F ..but no higher than 92F...
  11. TheFucknChrOnic

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    ya hes a good looking pup,how old and how heavy? louch is 100lbs and like 13 months..looks like a junkyard dog,but hes such a baby lol. and ya very alike, the one is greenhouse trainwreck,and the others are white castle,lemon skunk(dna),and LA woman..i dno much about their estimated hight...
  12. TheFucknChrOnic

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    thanks yea hes mine,Sheek Louch..hes a bandogge actualy long line of pit bull mastiffs..but yea mine stretched alot cause i was being to cautious and didnt put the hps right on top of them but insteat gave it too much space now ther super stretched and ive been lowering the hood link by like day...
  13. TheFucknChrOnic

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    my first time lsting..they started nice and bushy,but now 7 days into flower,they all are reaching for the light and since my 2.5g buckets are only so wide i can only tie them off so far..guess i could have did it more organized or in a spiral like pattern,their kind of a mess lol
  14. TheFucknChrOnic

    First Grow/First Journal:White Castle,Train Wreck,LA Woman,Lemon Skunk-CFL 900w

    thanks man,i hope long as nothing goes wrong from here,ive never had the best of luck,just today making that rubbermaid box i got careless and put a box cutter about 1/4 inch into my palm lmfao
  15. TheFucknChrOnic

    First Grow/First Journal:White Castle,Train Wreck,LA Woman,Lemon Skunk-CFL 900w

    yea i know,thats what i have them in now. 2.5g..ive been gradualy lowering the light link by link the past 2 days...trying to see how close i can get it. i hope they dnt get to big i have like maybe another 6 inches i can bring the light up,after that if they need more room i guess i can bust...
  16. TheFucknChrOnic

    First Grow/First Journal:White Castle,Train Wreck,LA Woman,Lemon Skunk-CFL 900w

    so im one week into flower now, got some preflowers goin and alot of stretch..i moved the light a little closer seeing how the temp hasnt been an issue of any kind. they seem to be doing great,not much more to say lol. i also got some rubbermaids and slaped together a little half ass box for...
  17. TheFucknChrOnic

    First Grow/First Journal:White Castle,Train Wreck,LA Woman,Lemon Skunk-CFL 900w

    niice,thats what i like a nice couch lock stone..and the door thing noted, just dont seem totaly necessary yet..but you know your shit. thanks for the advice
  18. TheFucknChrOnic

    First Grow/First Journal:White Castle,Train Wreck,LA Woman,Lemon Skunk-CFL 900w

    yea good idea,but its one of those cardboard like doors,that is 100% hollow lol. the temps havnt seemd to cause any problems,only ive herd that constant high temps will have some effect on the potency of the bud?