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  1. P

    If you were forced to smoke only one strain forever, what strain would you go with?

    If i could get it straight from that pic on g13 labs website the blueberry gum looks so good or there cheese strain
  2. P

    Curing Turned to Mold

    it was on there before i jared it but its not like bad it was deff bud rot but anyway i made the iso hash stuff with it and smoked it i feel fine and it got me high as a kite so im very happy i slaved something now i cant wait for next april already
  3. P

    Curing Turned to Mold

    yeaa i was looking on grass city and am going to try this with mine
  4. P

    harvest at night or day?

    yep i suggest night might as well let them get there last day of light and then less chance of someone seeing u or something at night
  5. P

    Bud Rot in entire plant what to do??

    thanks yea it sucks ill throw some pics up in a little im just so pissed
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    Bud Rot in entire plant what to do??

    Do u think this will work ?
  7. P

    Bud Rot in entire plant what to do?? What about this??
  8. P

    Bud Rot in entire plant what to do??

    Yea fucking sucks first year I burned the plant with nutes and my cfls fell on the plant and completely fucked it up then the second year last year I was doin great outdoor 2 large plants maybe a week before harvest someone stole them and now this time bud rot :((( maybe its just not ment to be...
  9. P

    Bud Rot in entire plant what to do??

    Idk like 5 days ago everything was green an nice and the past few days we had rain and really cold frost temps and night and that's all I can guess did it...Im going to try to. Make this hash just for the practice don't no if ill smoke it but I want to learn how to make it anyway so this is good...
  10. P

    Bud Rot in entire plant what to do??

    I harvested yesterday to find that alot of the bud is rotted.It crazy sticky and there probably 10 grams of bud rot I read on another site about making hash with it will that be ok is that still dangerous ? What would happen if I just smoked it? Which I won't just wondered
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    First frost

    Hope mine did well ill find out tonight
  12. P

    Hey oppinions on my baby :) second grow ever (pictures)

    It's going thru the frost tonight...hope it goes well
  13. P

    FROST: general rules from experience....

    It said as low as 27 and widespread frost then sunny saturday
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    FROST: general rules from experience....

    It's going to frost tonight where I'm at my plants been outside every day and night since June and its supposed to be 54 and sunny tommarow so I will let u know how she does
  15. P

    Hey oppinions on my baby :) second grow ever (pictures)

    No haha I didn't pull it yet I was thinking about it tonight because its getting down to 27 or so Friday night and I've never gotten this far and don't want the frost to kill what I have but I will leave it for another 2 weeks ill post pictures again on Saturday
  16. P

    Hey oppinions on my baby :) second grow ever (pictures)

    Do you think it will make much difference to leave it for another 2 weeks ?
  17. P

    Hey oppinions on my baby :) second grow ever (pictures)

    I think im going to chop it down this sunday what do you guys think
  18. P

    first time grower, need help with drying and curing

    just read the sticky threads at the top they are pretty much listed steps
  19. P

    Hey oppinions on my baby :) second grow ever (pictures)

    hey update on the baby she seems to be close the hairs on the plant are all brown not many white at all and i dont have a microscope here are some pics shitty but pics
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    guerilla grow.... seed or clone?

    i used from seed small plant but nice for my second grow