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  1. pkp393

    First Grow, CFLS, How am I doing?

    i dont currently have the resources or the room to transplant bad will it stunt overall growth?
  2. pkp393

    First Grow, CFLS, How am I doing?

    thanks, i heard things about keeping the CFLS around 1 inch, but I also heard about keeping them higher up, so I didnt want to risk it by burning the plants earlier. If i flowered my plants SOG style, close to 1 ft, what do you think would be an approx yield per plant?..i know there are factors...
  3. pkp393

    First Grow, CFLS, How am I doing?

    hey guys first off, the RIU community has been great and a wealth of information to me because indeed I am new to this although a veteran toker. I read a great deal of info on this site before I even attempted to grow. Here is my first grow. I have 2 100W daylight spectrum CFLS, 2...
  4. pkp393

    First Grow..closet status

    hey guys, whats up im new to this website, and i am starting my first grow about 10 days into grow, seeds were germinated via papertowel method. 3 seeds were planted, all from bagseed (exotic, heady type bud) sprouts are about 2" tall. growbox is my closet, 2'x3'x6' 2 banks of floro...