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  1. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    not too sure just guess they got to the males way too late
  2. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    i have a bottle of Bio-Bloom Nitrogen 2.0% -Ammonium nitrogen 0.9% -Nitrate 1.1% Phesporus 6.0% potassium 3.5% Dose 2-5 ml per litre of water not very clear but you might be able to see her female bits
  3. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    i was looking around at all the different mediums but at the moment i have 0 funds for this project =/ so i have to make use of everything i have around on a brighter note ive recently got 200+ seeds, not sure of the strain bud the bud was a nice smoke
  4. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    yes shes showing a few now, just wish i had a better camera so i could get a decent pic i checked under the block earlier and her roots are growing out im thinking about dropping the block into a pot of compost so she can keep growing would this be ok?
  5. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    yeah, no point wasting the cans they can make great reflectors =]
  6. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    :leaf:23rd november:leaf: (another lol) I was really bored and wanted to try some new ideas so i made this Doesnt look like much but how about now? that should help reflect light around her lower leaves ive also managed to bend her down a little bit so i should be able to lst her around...
  7. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    :leaf:23rd November:leaf: After removing the lights to hook more up i broke some of the clips holding them:sad: But after awhile thinking i made this now the lights are all flat along a piece of wood later i will add the florecent tubes Add the screen, (temporary till i make a better one)...
  8. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    ive been thinking about that myself, im going to look into it more asap, im sure i can fit a few more in then maby a couple attached to each side of the box
  9. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    when you start it post me a link, ill be happy to check it out Just been looking around the other stealth speaker post to get ideas and see other finished results shame none have been finished and they are dated around 2008 ill keep my journel going until its finished Even if the buds are...
  10. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    Let me know how it works out for you
  11. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    :leaf:21st November:leaf: Before i added the scrog and the day after adding it My camera isnt great for zooming in but there are small preflowers starting to show when they get bigger ill try get a decent picture
  12. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    I wont be able to lst her, tried but her stem is already too thick to bend so the next best thing would be a scrog
  13. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    I still havent decided what im going to do with her yet Any ideas what will work best? The case is hight: 2 foot 5 inch width: 1 foot 3 inch
  14. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    :leaf:16th November:leaf: yesterday i lowered the plant abit more than i usually do checked this morning and she was looking better! guess she was just abit close (3 inch away) to the lights now shes at 5 inch away. Just hope it wont cause too much stretch! The Leaves have started picking...
  15. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    Not added any nutes yet, waiting until she gets abit older
  16. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    :leaf:15th November:leaf: The rockwool has been kept well moist and ive watered everytime the block feels lighter approx 2 times daily, but the leaves are still pointing down any other ideas? All help is appreciated
  17. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    At the moment its still under 3 cfls giving 2400 lumen, 800 each there are 2 more lights waiting to be turned when the plant gets abit older and im going to fit 2 fluorescent tubes at each side of the case which i have laying around Power-Glo 18,000 k more in the blue spectrum Just some...
  18. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    Dont have many pics but here are a few
  19. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    And to top it off i usually work with speakers and disco lights anyway, so anybody that knows me wouldnt see anything out of the ordinary and thankyou for the advice i keep adding more water when the block becomes light
  20. **DSC**

    Stealth Speaker grow

    :leaf:12th November:leaf: :Update: For the last couple of days i noticed the leaves have started to droop down At first i thought it may have been over watering, but the rockwool block is so light and dry Just woundered if anybody else had any ideas that may be causing this?!