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  1. Ganjagalxo

    im scared my plant is male

    okay phew thank you just worried!!
  2. Ganjagalxo

    im scared my plant is male

    im a bit worried my plant is male as my other one is flowering and mine doesnt seem to be i did have to top it due to nute burn and wanted it smaller but yet its still growing so big? any ideas?
  3. Ganjagalxo

    Flowering at week 7?!?!

    haha keep laughing:) im worried my plant is male? it came as auto feminised can anyone give some advise? I did have to top it as said above i think? lol Also the other one is flowering and doing ok i think?
  4. Ganjagalxo

    Candy Kush nute burn help!!!

    we are using 260w light meanwhile the other one seems to be doing pretty well?
  5. Ganjagalxo

    Candy Kush nute burn help!!!

    someone help im worried my plant is a male i brought auto feminised but it doesnt seem to be showing any sign of flowering just getting taller and not many leaves, any ideas?
  6. Ganjagalxo

    Flowering at week 7?!?!

    should i start my flowering nutes then? ive got tiger bloom and big bloom...
  7. Ganjagalxo

    Flowering at week 7?!?!

    okay thank you for your help!:)
  8. Ganjagalxo

    Help nute burn

    Thank you very reassuring will keep everyone posted when it starts growing more
  9. Ganjagalxo

    Help nute burn

    It is a pencil lol
  10. Ganjagalxo

    Flowering at week 7?!?!

    Also how many hours should we keep the light on for now?
  11. Ganjagalxo

    Flowering at week 7?!?!

    It is auto are they usually this small though?
  12. Ganjagalxo

    Help nute burn

    Okay thanks it's always looked different to the other one we got the auto reminded seeds but they look completely different
  13. Ganjagalxo

    Help nute burn

    thank you, i was in such a rush to make it the best that i didnt read it properly
  14. Ganjagalxo

    Flowering at week 7?!?!

    this is the lady, can you see the pistons? Isnt it too young/small to start flowering??
  15. Ganjagalxo

    Flowering at week 7?!?!

    Hello Plant has Pistons!! And it's inly week 7 of planting them they are autos but didn't think it would be so quick they are still small? Help
  16. Ganjagalxo

    Candy Kush nute burn help!!!

    Okay thank you
  17. Ganjagalxo

    Candy Kush nute burn help!!!

    should i just leave the burnt leaves then, thank you i dont want it to die:(
  18. Ganjagalxo

    candy kush nute burn

    Hello, yes im a dickhead and put neat nutes on my flowers as foliar feed stupidly i did not water it down and i just want someone to give me some advice about my leaves, i also had to top it as new growth was so damaged.
  19. Ganjagalxo

    Help nute burn

    Basically I was a dickhead an read that you can put nutes of the leaves as foilar growth anyways I put it on them how it is and didn't water it down how stupid of me!!!! Take a look at it for me and give me some suggestions I had to top it as the new growth was seriously damaged there is new...
  20. Ganjagalxo

    Candy Kush nute burn help!!!

    hello basically i was a stupid dickhead and read that you can put you nutes on the leaves as a foilar feed, me being me i didnt think to water it down and happily spead it on my leaves neat. Yes i understand it was a massive failure and i had to top it as the new growth was very damaged, i have...