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  1. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Well if you teach her right she’ll never have the need to get an abortion because she has all the knowledge and tools at her disposal to have the fun human experience and prevent pregnancy until she thinks it’s the right time. And yes they do throw you curveballs and you’re making it up as you...
  2. G

    Make in the midst?

    What are your thoughts? Mine are chop it down but I haven’t grown bb autos before so maybe is a strange genetic fuck up
  3. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Since day one of having sex until I was in a position where I was ready to be a father. It’s not hard to see how having a kid when you’re not ready will throw your whole life for a loop. Not to mention I’ve always made sure the women I dated were on the pill until I met the old lady and we...
  4. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    That’s a completely different scenario to what I’m referring to she took every precaution possible to prevent having another child her instance I agree with that right to choose all I’m saying is abortion should not be an option for those who are just acting irresponsibly and not performing...
  5. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    I don’t necessarily disagree with what you’ve said, the only point I want to interject with is that she should act responsibly with her sex life to prevent that pregnancy from happening because she has the tools available to her. Abortion should be the last option on the table if all others fail...
  6. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Men have no say in whether a child’s born or not, if they don’t want the kid they are financially responsible, lose their homes, pay support and alimony, even the most involved fathers are subjected to seeing their kids every other weekend all due to a woman’s scorn. Some equality
  7. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Pretty sure a man using condoms and a woman using one of her many options of birth control has a 99.99% prevention rate. Exceptions being with two hyper fertile people
  8. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    She has to know who he is in that situation
  9. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Yup. Not one will agree to the facts of the modern age that women have exuberant amounts of options to prevent unwanted pregnancy and that if they are not ready for parenthood it’s their responsibility to use them just as it’s a man’s responsibility to dome up if he doesn’t want to be a dad yet...
  10. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Well it will prevent unwanted pregnancies, take a hell of a toll on the human race but I suppose we’re fucking everything up anyway so it’s the first thing I might be inclined to agree with you on even though it’s grossly satirical
  11. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    You can’t remove a woman’s responsibility from the equation, there are tons of products specifically for her to prevent her from even having to consider an abortion. They are responsible to do their part as well and that’s called equality
  12. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Have a chat with any woman you know, they know the difference between condom and not. Further more she’s gonna notice it oozing out of her. If she’s not ready for a kid she goes the to the pharmacy and buys plan b and takes care of it the day after. Just neglecting it and rolling the dice is on...
  13. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    The same woman is well aware of the man’s lack of protection, should be requesting he wear it, and if she’s not wanting a child she should be using a form of birth control or taking the morning after pill so as to not get pregnant when she does not want to be. Its shared responsibility, admit...
  14. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Further to you’re question I suppose the answer depends on whether or not you have the ability to form a structured debate and explain your reasoning validly or if you’re just going to insult and deflect at every opportunity when you can’t offer a feasible rebuttal. Hell the only reason I wrote...
  15. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Absolutely and they should all be addressed and funded. But at the end of the day if both parties engaging in sex are using their form of protection there’s a 99.99% chance of preventing pregnancy and there’s no need to choose to terminate an unwanted child because unless you’re that minuscule...
  16. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Sounds like you’re not actually a lib or a con but just a person that sees politics are shit on both sides. At least with cons though there’s logical communication even if it’s disagreed with. Libs just whine until people get in
  17. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Not really, there’s vids of conferences of abortion doctors where they are joking about eyeballs falling onto their laps and shit. It’s a daily occurrence
  18. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    It’s the old adage, play stupid games win stupid prizes, in this case an unplanned pregnancy cause sally lets dudes nut in her but she won’t use birth control and she doesn’t want kids. Sally shouldn’t get a free pass to play that game again, sally should learn responsibility. Also my dickhead...
  19. G

    The problem with libs/dems

    Yeah, just saying being responsible means she won’t have that choice to make and she gets to have all the fun she wants by being smart instead of rolling the dice like an idiot
  20. G

    Bruce banner autos not flowering

    I’m banking on photo at this point. The girls (hopefully girls don’t know at this point but males should be preflowering by now if they are) are growing nicely but I wanted autos to limit the size. If they are photos I’m gonna have to supercrop the shit outta them because I’m not peeling the...