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  1. G

    Extreme defoliation...2

    To each there own but I recommend you name your grow room Guantanamo
  2. G

    Seedlings getting too heavy up top?

    Straight to your final pot. Less transplants less stress less stress less stunting, personally I prefer to go right into the ground in my greenhouse from seed but for those without that option I’d always start them in the final pot and just cut 2 litre pop bottles in half to make a little...
  3. G

    1 seed of 4 did not sprout yet . others have sprouted . normal?

    Well in most instances I agree with you there’s also much to be said when purchasing new strains. Some shits expensive so sometimes you gotta give nature a helping hand instead of letting it die right in front of you. And honestly no breeders gonna list their strain as “requires a little help to...
  4. G

    1 seed of 4 did not sprout yet . others have sprouted . normal?

    Yeah, that’s why I use tweezers, if you can squeeze just enough most times she’ll pop out still curled. Wasted my fair share of plants getting the hang of it, luckily though my very first grow I didn’t recognize a male from female so I’ve got a few thousand gsc x crit mass seeds kickin around
  5. G

    Starting 9th week of flower - chop at the end or keep going? Seeds :(

    Worst case scenario should make for decent squish. As for question it depends how you like your high, you want psych head taker down, want uppy functional giver a week and a bit, want couch lock sleepys wait two and a bit.
  6. G

    Seedlings getting too heavy up top?

    Looks decent to me. Maybe add a ml of rooter to your water try and establish a healthy root system to support the girls better?
  7. G

    1 seed of 4 did not sprout yet . others have sprouted . normal?

    Use a tooth brush and move the soil out of the way till you find her. I’ve had issues in the past where the seed refuses to split open enough and she dies in the pod because she can’t break free. If this is the case grab some tweezers and help her out but be gentle
  8. G

    Welcome to my first organic auto greenhouse grow

    Figured I should do an overhead shot
  9. G

    Welcome to my first organic auto greenhouse grow

    Hi all, new to here and ready for tips and tricks. Normally grow photos but this year I decided to give my hand a try at autos. Figured I can get two cycles in the season. Anyways here’s some snap shots, the girls consist of 9 diesel berry and 8 Bruce banner. The back 5 are diesel berry that I...