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  1. doobered

    Need some advice

    you are way over doing your nutrients if youre adding all of that to you ocean forest and adding in liquid nutrients. If you want to feed aggressive like you are youd be better off using coco as your grow medium. it has no nutrients youll need to constantly feed liquid nutrients every time you...
  2. doobered

    Has Anyone Used Nutrifield nutrients

    I see that they have new labels, a couple new products and changed a couple names around. Has anyone used this line up before? I am diggin the coco a and b that is veg and bloom! I want so insight on this, im using Botanicare at the moment and am considering something new and tasty!
  3. doobered

    Warning: carcinogens found in Humboldt county's own products

    haha such slander like this is ignorant...Emerald triangle aka Humboldts countys own. has been around longer that Humboldt nutrients! smoke in you lungs is a carcinogen... if you smoke cicargettes...blunts or use tobacco products in general you really should not be concerned with with this...
  4. doobered


    yes that fine metal is what helps
  5. doobered

    Nutrients for soil?

    WTF are you using? are you SURE the ph is perfect, have you tested it? What soil are you using? we cant fucking help you if you dont tell us what youre using
  6. doobered

    No flush

    If you are using synthetic nutrients like GH or dyna gro. you will need to flush. This does not mean starve your girls for 10 should flush your plants with a proper flushing agent... THEN you finish your last feeding with budswell and sea crop... if your smoke pops like a popper...
  7. doobered

    Miracle grow check out this
  8. doobered

    Miracle grow

    what are your N P K values in the miracle grow? What about Cal and mag percents? PH? PPM/TDS?
  9. doobered

    Miracle grow

    for the best it is science...
  10. doobered


    you might think its good. but some there person might see different do you ph your water or nutes before you water?
  11. doobered


    DO NOT BUY MIRACLE GROW SOILS!!! They are low dollar cost which in turn equals low dollar time release nutes full of high nitrogen.... Ocean forest is also a terrible choice... it if based with peat moss which gets hard when dried... this is not good. i used ocean forest for 5 years and switched...
  12. doobered

    pH Pro Tip

    it really doesnt matter organic or synthetic, hydro or soil. if your ph is will run into major deficiency issues the only products that i know off that ph themselves is super natural and gh maxi serie everyone needs to check this out and get the latest update of it...
  13. doobered

    Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

    i agree with the yorkshireman. you really should keep that light close so they dont stretch in the first place. stem rot is no fun
  14. doobered

    grafting 3 female plants to 1 male root stock

    if you guys are finishing these frankenstein girls and run into a deficiency you can always foliar feed the specifics and correct them
  15. doobered

    Deficiency or BURN!.? Help PLease :S

    ok sorry about my advice before. i was wrong. if the plant is coming back then it will be a perfect plant to learn off of. then next round go all out!
  16. doobered

    Deficiency or BURN!.? Help PLease :S

    id ditch it and start over
  17. doobered

    Deficiency or BURN!.? Help PLease :S

    and just the bio bizz? seems like you are having small metal deficiencys you should stick with an already amended soil like happy frog
  18. doobered

    Deficiency or BURN!.? Help PLease :S

    are you using everything the same as your last grow
  19. doobered

    Deficiency or BURN!.? Help PLease :S

    any propper info will tell you the ph should be around 6 for plants. blue lab explains it and gh makes a ph control kit with all the info you need i would flush and start a propper nute schedule
  20. doobered

    Deficiency or BURN!.? Help PLease :S

    7ish ph is too high. you always want your ph around 6.0 it looks like a micro def.