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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    Backing out? Don't you want to defend your beliefs? "Libertarians cheating the system for moral reasons" You mean working tax free under the table correct?
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    If you were a politician and made this statement it would be a wonderful day. I am not rich, my kids go to private school.
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    No. I am quite sure I know what you intended by that but I would like to make sure because I'm literally not psychic, as anyone who assumes intent would have to be. This is not some dubious hidden trap. It's a weed forum with green theme and all. I have a green thumb, I assume you do. You...
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    First, will you elaborate please? "Ah, libertarians cheating the system for moral reasons". What did you mean exactly in context when you posted this.
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    They are royalty apparently. Wut we gonna be do abouts it.
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    You owe me and Dia money is the first I came up with. There may be others idk. Do you need a link and does that not suffice?
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    Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

    "Knew you weren't supposed to take" Patently retarded. Read the full text of the suit I posted. There are many others where a the others took what you say they knew they weren't supposed to. It's a civil matter and it was upheld as such.
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    I did as soon as you posted the meme. You already know the results.
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    Weren't Newsome's kids attending school while the great unwashed was locked down from school?
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    You are intellectually dishonest. Post your libertarian meme again and then post more stuff about how someone owes you tax free money. You claiming that's a goal post shift now. Might as well throw up a strawman or two. Anything to deflect amirite? Or you could always just own it like a...
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    All the politicians it seems that champion the public school system have their own kids in private schools.
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    LOL Inflation is a tax.
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    If I sold a bag of weed tax free or sold my labor tax free, is there a difference? They are both labor. An exchange of labor for a set rate is an even trade, so where is the taxable event?
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    Given what site we are on this is the most ridiculous thing I've seen you type. Want me to site search and find out if anyone owes you any nice tax free money you intended to "cheat the system" with? So you are a libertarian by your own standard. LoLoLoL
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    I worked full time while taking 16 hours a semester and used a state lottery program for 50% off tuition. Zero debt incurred. I ditched gen Ed transfer and just grabbed computer science certs after a year.
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    Zero of course. Same as growing.
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    Unlike California, servers make well below minimum here. I don't go out for food or beverage much but I typically tip 20-50% if I do. Even for shitty service. In California I didn't feel bad at all leaving zero tip for shit service given the min wage was there for servers. See the little...
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    County vs Federal. Nice try, no points. Move to a common law state if you don't like property taxes on your home.
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    Joe steals Nancy's purse

    At which job?