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  1. doobered

    Here's One For Ya.

    you would have to wear the light saber on your head
  2. doobered

    hollow holes in stalk and stems noticed at harvest

    is you crop out door if so it could just be Caterpillars
  3. doobered

    Weeds Season 7 ep 1 (if u missed live)

    sounds just like me...just a bit drunk and stoned to really remember everything i remember most of it though
  4. doobered

    First battle with spidermites!

    Azamax doesnt kill them but it stops them from reproducing and ive hit them with rubbing alcohol...THAT KILLS THEM i used a 50/50 mix with water
  5. doobered

    whats the limit of plants a 600hps can handle

    The added 600 will help.
  6. doobered

    First battle with spidermites!

    from what i can see they just started setting up shop so it shouldnt be that hard to get rid of them they hate cooler temps and mi humidity like 45 percent and up I havent looked at my grow this morning yet
  7. doobered

    Tin Foil Pipes

    A FUCKING APPLE ... take apart a cheap pen and use it make a pipe go all the way through the core and meet it with a 45 is degree hole to meet the core hole its a great carbed pipe tasty too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. doobered

    First battle with spidermites!

    :finger: Spider mites!!! So like I said this is my first battle of a long life war for us all... our enemy...SPIDERMITES!!!!!:wall: I have plenty of expierence with the plant and i know how to kill these fuckers! my clones i just put in dirt had white spot all over so they got mite o cide...
  9. doobered

    Any Metal Heads Unite

    arsonist get all the girls...its something different
  10. doobered

    When Should I Flower?

    if its a clone its an adult plant but the better the root system the better the yield!!!!!
  11. doobered

    Here's One For Ya.

    if you worship the LA Dodgers then i see it ass a religion
  12. doobered

    I Ordered Pizza

    oh and i think you should if its a place you order from alot and know the drivers
  13. doobered

    I Ordered Pizza

    now im hungry
  14. doobered

    Here's One For Ya.

    or ignore me thats cool is there a labor board for your country in the US we can go to them and they will start a civil suit against the company you work for because its not a safety issue or else he would have to fallow it if its a company policy and you sign your sig so then you are SOL
  15. doobered

    I Ordered Pizza

    when ive gonna out of town for vacation just my girl and i, ive tipped a nug before he was super stoked i worked as a pizza delivery driver and got tipped weed 3 times in four year i was stoked as hell it depends on the driver maybe he doesnt burn just ask him what he would rather have
  16. doobered

    Here's One For Ya.

    the easiest thing for you to do it maybe flow with my idea as its a medical thing just like a script for 420meds
  17. doobered

    Here's One For Ya.

    ^^^^what a tard...a freaking huge one! did they give you a reason for the no hat policy? like maybe it being a safety issue? if so then he has to fallow the same policies as you and everyone else you could also get a doctors note to possibly wear a hat see your regular dr and tell him...
  18. doobered

    Gas Lantern Routine

    i had a customer tell me about this technique its just a unnatural as 12/12 or 24/0 in what part of the world do you get an hour in the middle of the night i need to just try it on a side by side
  19. doobered

    Fox Farm soil mixture?

    I recommend a 1.5 cu ft bag of Ocean forest with a 1.5 cu ft bag on the roots coco fiber mix
  20. doobered

    [HELP] Soil Solution!

    look for potting soil with chicken poop in it i think the brand is kellog but you really should use Ocean Forest from fox farm