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  1. NaturalNatureNutures

    Open Show & Tell 2018

    LOL, yes that male is a beast for pollen. I have 2 females beside him and only the female right beside him has started to breed and the other female beside her only has a few seeds. Going to pull the male and collect the pollen today so that no more seeds will begin as they would not be finished...
  2. NaturalNatureNutures

    Open Show & Tell 2018

    3 1/2 weeks flower Sept 24 2018
  3. NaturalNatureNutures

    BC Organic Outdoor Grow Hash Plant breeding with Blue Cheese x Northern Lights Male

    Sept 24th pic update. Between week 3 and 4 flower. Looks like first frost is moved from beginning of Oct to mid Oct. 10 days of good sun coming.
  4. NaturalNatureNutures

    BC Organic Outdoor Grow Hash Plant breeding with Blue Cheese x Northern Lights Male

    Thank you for contributing. Will the liquid salt hurt my soil organisms and life in the soil?
  5. NaturalNatureNutures

    ganga girls northern grow

    I love your thread ganga gurl and was wondering if you could give any advice about breeding and the strain hash plant that could help me with my outdoor grow. Do you wait to harvest your seeds when the flowers are done or do harvest seeds as the finish through the flowering? Some pics of the...
  6. NaturalNatureNutures

    BC Organic Outdoor Grow Hash Plant breeding with Blue Cheese x Northern Lights Male

    Sept 11 first week to 2nd week flower by my guess. Haven't added anything to soil and all natural grow. Thinking of top dressing with worm casings. Any thoughts on anything I can add that is natural for flower growth would be appreciated.
  7. NaturalNatureNutures

    BC Organic Outdoor Grow Hash Plant breeding with Blue Cheese x Northern Lights Male

    Aug 29 2018 Updated veg pictures. Male is 5ft tall Females are 6ft tall
  8. NaturalNatureNutures

    BC Organic Outdoor Grow Hash Plant breeding with Blue Cheese x Northern Lights Male

    Veg pics of the hash plant females and BC X NL male Aug 23 2018.
  9. NaturalNatureNutures

    BC Organic Outdoor Grow Hash Plant breeding with Blue Cheese x Northern Lights Male

    Started with 25 seeds germinated in shot glasses with water and all 25 sprouted. Planted directly in ground May 13 2018 with 1yr old composted manure and 5yr old composted wood chips (practically dirt) that had natural worm population. Beds in greenhouse were 5inches deep with above posted soil...