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  1. H

    Good Soil

    I've been using this for a while its good compost and soil give lots of flavor. I was wondering has anyone one else ever used this stuff its pretty good price am i the only one that knows about it. I use the Pink mostly and a little blue mixed in the soil is pretty damn good my first gro with...
  2. H

    The on going battle

    Alright about 2 years ago i made my first aero cloner with the 360 red sprayers. The cloner worked from day one but also has leaked profusley. I have tried about 3 other containers they also leaked so i just have lived with a leaky cloner for 2 years. Its time to end that can anyone reccomend a...
  3. H

    Which light source is more intense? (survey + animation)

    That was a waste of my clicking finger
  4. H

    Problem with my plants leafs ?

    sound like they are trying to grow fast you must be treating them right a the growth tip will extend and those leaves will lay down
  5. H

    New england growers thread!!!

    Good Luck everyone this year sounds like we have a lot of Mainiacs in here
  6. H

    some pot im growing

    Thats sounds like a great place for garbage men and neighbors to see them maybe a hobo
  7. H

    New england growers thread!!!

    I have a good idea who it is. Used to be a game warden but failed a piss test i see him back there now and again
  8. H

    New england growers thread!!!

    I was behind my property down by the river a few weeks back snowshoeing. This was the site of one plant i grew for shits and giggles a passion 1 that was planted and forgot. Well any when i got to where the woods opened up onto the river bank and decided to go left instead of right. A few steps...
  9. H

    Best possible thing for your plants.

    get up close and personal with your girls if you don't use c02 make your grow room a / study, office, tv room , or anything you'd like u are the co2 generator
  10. H

    New england growers thread!!!

    Yeah it is thats some crazy old school stuff lol get you beefed up for lugging season though
  11. H

    Maine Grow

    Passion 1 is a great strain for maine it doesn't yeild crazy but my harvest for passions the last 2 years were on sept. 1st and the next year sept. 5 I put theses out on 4/20 both years Great strain for maine and i'm not in the warmer part of maine avrg about 4 zips a plant 5 plants both years...
  12. H

    New england growers thread!!!

    Definatley Around May time to clone clone clone bay bay i've been getting rid of mango and big bang clones for months now i think ppl are serious about growin this year the markets gonna be flooded with good green around oct this year. I just took my first 20 passion clones the other day and...
  13. H

    Mom & Clone Lighting

    Alright i'm torn between three types of lighting all at htgsupply. I need a mom and clone light other than wall world shoplight (using now). I was looking at the 150 hps 16,000 lumens , 4 lamp t5 2 footers 8,000 lumens, and a 50 watt blue led panel unknown lumens. My gut tells me the hps cuz i...
  14. H

    Irish spring & moth do u keep deer away

    i always take my dog and critters never come around encourage him or her to mark their teritoory and poo also i have always done this to piss in a gallon jug until its about 3/4 full its pretty nasty smelling by the time its that full gas mask or resperator work good but holding breathe and...
  15. H

    New england growers thread!!!

    look for like old chopping from loggers that have grown up a little less trees you want a lot of sun if your gonna want good yeilds fields that stay green thick bush alders raspbery patches stuff like that. You could also climb some of those trees and put some 5 gallon buckets up i always try to...
  16. H

    New england growers thread!!!

    Some of those spots look like theyd be pots only because the fir and cedar trees not much light either.
  17. H

    New england growers thread!!!

    No it doesn't matter if critters catch one wiff of dog they won't go near your stuff and the scent will stay long after your gone ferns would be a good place to plant
  18. H

    Do i really need CO2 for my flowering plants?

    If you want to use yeast and sugar screw the 1 cup a sugar to 1 pack of yeast get a pound of sugar and 4 packs of yeast a 2 gallon container mix it poke some holes in the container attach some hoses if you want and keep they yeast active and c02 will blow outta every hole and tube you have bam
  19. H

    New england growers thread!!!

    Maybe you could hook us up with a tutorial on how to build this amazing contraption i want one now. :bigjoint:sounds pretty sweet
  20. H

    New england growers thread!!!

    Yeah the grobama looks like another 6 to 8 week indy it loves nutes it already taking full strenght alaska morbloom 0-10-10 and a pinch of bat g. Tips outdoor read the farmers almanac for estimated frost dates in your area. Plant on planting dates get early strains (sounds like you got that...