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  1. BongJuice

    when to add nutes?

    Every watering my plants recieve nutrient. Except for my cuttings, I just use plain R/O water.
  2. BongJuice

    vetilation/co2 question

    You want to exchange the air in your room at least once every hour. So the answer to your question would be, No. You don't want the Co2 to be on all the time either. You must be going through a shit load of Co2.
  3. BongJuice

    my plant after 4 weeks of 12/12 (pic)

    That's like saying, how tall do you think my 5 yr. old will be when he's 18. Their are too many variables when trying to think how much you'll yield. Like: Strain, Temp, Humidity, Lighting, Co2, Nutrient, etc. etc. Plus, you still have to dry it out.
  4. BongJuice

    carbon scrubber intrigue

    Carbon air filters work. Is it worth it for 1 plant? I don't think so. Just take a 5 gallon bucket. Fill it half way with water. Mix in some laundry detergent. Then cut a 4 inch hole on the lid. Attach a computer fan to the lid. Keep it running all the time you won't smell anything. A couple...
  5. BongJuice

    Scientific proof that a ghetto (baking soda &vinegar) CO2 generator is pointless

    I admit Co2 into my room with a tank. It only cost me about $500, for the tank, regulator, meter, and misc. shit. Was it worth it? No. The atmospheric Co2 in my grow room hovers right around 800 ppm's. Without me adding any Co2. When I admitted Co2 and kept it right around 1600 ppm's, I...
  6. BongJuice

    repotting at 60 days

    I vegg my plants for 2 weeks, in a 4 inch pot. Then I Repot them into a 6 inch pot. Then throw them directly into flower. After 2 weeks I repot again into an 8 inch pot. Then after another 2 weeks I repot again into a 2 gallon grow bag. At this time, they're at their final destination for next 4...
  7. BongJuice

    White or Mylar

    I use panda film in all my cabinets. In fact some of my cabinets have the same panda film I put in there several years ago.
  8. BongJuice

    anyone know the flowering time??

    There's no exact time on flowering. Get yourself a jewelers scope. When you feel as though your getting close. Look at the trichomes through the scope. When the trichomes are milky with an amber tint at the bulb. They're ready. I grew Hindu Kush awhile back. Awesome plant to grow. It grows...
  9. BongJuice

    Transplanting stress?

    Looks like a case of root rot. I hope your not keeping your plants sitting in a pan of water, when you water them. Drainage, drainage, drainage. This is very important when watering. You should water your plants, have it drain into the pan, then toss the water thats in the pan. When you...
  10. BongJuice

    Whites N Blacks

    Your statement to me was totally uncalled for. Being a racist is not a bad thing. Pretending that your not, is.
  11. BongJuice

    Whites N Blacks

    These 4 words makes you a racist.
  12. BongJuice

    Pitt bulls and growers

  13. BongJuice

    Pitt bulls and growers

    Is it me, or do us growers grow because were too stupid to get a real job. My statement was just as dumb as yours. That's my 2 cents.
  14. BongJuice

    Opinions on my grow cab

    Patience young grasshopper I'm sure you can probably fit more than 6-8 plants in a 4x4x7 area. But plants do grow outwards rather than just upwards. After a few harvests you might be able to grow in a sea of green type. Where you might be able to fit 8...10...or even 16 plants in a 4x4x7...
  15. BongJuice

    Opinions on my grow cab

    Plants don't show signs of what sex they are until the first weeks of bloom. Yes, a plant can flower at on only 1ft. tall. In fact I start to bloom mine when they're only 10 inches tall. Due to the fact that I only vegg for 2 weeks. My 10 inch tall plants get to be 30 - 36 inches tall at...
  16. BongJuice

    Opinions on my grow cab

    I'd only use them for vegging. Too small to grow a decent sized plant that would get any thing signicant to smoke. I wanted add. I'd turn one of them on it's side. Stick a 2 ft. CFL in there. That would be a perfect setup for cuttings starting out on a heatmat. Then use the other one right...
  17. BongJuice

    Fan problem

    These kind of fans I call computer fans. They do make alot of noise. I made a dryer out of an old kitchen cabinet to dry out my harvest. I use the exact fan to exhaust the cabinet while my cannabis is drying.
  18. BongJuice

    The Mother ship

    Looks like a pain in the ass.
  19. BongJuice

    Is there any forsure way to turn a female herm?

    The best way to stress a plant is temperature. If the temperature drops below 60, and stays that way for awhile that would definitely stress a plant to go herm. Also turning the lights on when the lights should be off, even if it's only for a few minutes.
  20. BongJuice

    Vegetation to Flowering Transition (MH/HPS)

    Nope, never heard of it. Sounds like a fairytale.