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  1. stsin

    fan leaves to make cannabutter? is it worth it?

    I've been known to make butter out of the males as soon as they show (using the whole plant - rootball) 2 males to a batch of brownies makes for pretty happy brownies IMHO. That said, they are also awesome bunny chow that the bunnies helpfully turn into even more nitrogen ;) But *just* the...
  2. stsin

    Best harvest ever. DJ Short's True Blueberry

    I *love* true blueberry, my favorite strains that I've grown all have at least one parent with some BB in them (One is Chemdog x True Blueberry, the other is New York Diesel x True Blueberry). I'm quite looking forward to what happens when I merge the two strains with my next grow (knock...
  3. stsin

    My grower got arrested!

    Eeeeep, that sucks :( I'm guessing your grower was affiliated with the medford club that was recently raided? (Southern Oregon Cannabis Community Center) Hope you find someone close to you, I'd offer to help once I move in, but I'm even further from you. Sorry you're not able to at least...
  4. stsin

    I'm a new patient looking for an honest grower

    Wanted to add 2 things to this good topic (and increase my post count in case I ever need to pm as I move back to OR this month ;) ): First, legalizing MJ the way colorado (not washington) has won't result in higher prices. The people saying it will are usually just trying to continue to make...
  5. stsin

    How long does butter last in the freezer

    The rule of thumb for butter is 9-12 months past expiration date in the freezer, a year SHOULD be safe.
  6. stsin

    Acceptable costs for meds?

    Hear Hear, when I was in oregon, I never charged a patient a dime (no start up fee, no electricity "shared" costs, no costs what so ever). In fact when I left OR I did my damnedest to give them several clones so they could continue to grow the strain. Now that I'm looking to move back to...