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  1. ganjaking187

    resevior hydro

    ok i get ppm now, what is perfect tds level do you think to have at all times.also here is the setup i bought to give you guys better idea what i have YOUR CHOICE HYDROPONIC SYSTEM ONLY BONSAI HYDROPONICS - ( item 190205763983 end time 09-Apr-08 22:09:54 EDT)
  2. ganjaking187

    rockwell cubes

    thanks dude so you just drop rockwells in hydro pellets when roots are out of bottom of rockwell sweet thats easy
  3. ganjaking187

    resevior hydro

    a ph meter measures acidic to alkaline. its supposed to be inbetween 6 and 7 basically so as long as its in that range im cool? i get the ph somewhat but that the hell is a ppm tester i see them on ebay but have no idea what it is plz help rofl
  4. ganjaking187

    rockwell cubes

    im a newbie to hydro, what is the best way to get started right from rockwell cubes to in resevoir hydro kit all help is appreciated ty bongsmilie
  5. ganjaking187

    resevior hydro

    im sick of the dirt scene and im gonna make my first try at hydro i have a big rubbermaid container and soap stone pump and all that stuff to do it. one thing i dont know though is how do you know how many nutes to put in. like you have to fill it so often how do you keep track of nutes in suck...
  6. ganjaking187


    ok i transplanted the seedling into a new pot with fresh soil,you think shes gonna survive,leaves are green and its pretty straight.
  7. ganjaking187


    also are leds good for budding im hearing bad things,what light is good for budding but low on power.
  8. ganjaking187


    i got one solid seedling left i moved it to flor germinating more seeds that im not giving any nutes too lol.thing that messed me up is it says on bottle 1/2 teaspoon for as long as my seedlings are close to light and they are getting wind they will be cool right but how...
  9. ganjaking187


    led ?? i have a flor setup too should i use that
  10. ganjaking187


    i hope im not over watering too.i water them when soil is dry just spraying top of often do you water seedlings this is my first grow in years and im getting fustrated cause these are expensive seeds.the one seedlings is awesome and lost 3 doesnt make any sense it had same nutes.
  11. ganjaking187


    plz dudes i need your help bad ive lost 3 seedlings.the seedlings keep falling over i got them right up too led light,like a inch away and fan i dont get it i think its because i gave them nutes plz help :confused:
  12. ganjaking187

    Slow seedlings

    is it safe to put pics on here im a little paranoid about it lol
  13. ganjaking187

    Slow seedlings

    my soil has no nutes in it though and on bottle it says dosage for seedlings. do you think if i lay off nutes it will be better?i moved them under my led panel too i think its better.
  14. ganjaking187

    My closet for 1LBS every 2 months.

    im using same lights right now got them at home depot and they are very slow growing im changing them as soon as possible.
  15. ganjaking187

    Slow seedlings

    for some reason my seedlings are growing really slow, anybody know why that is. im using 2, 40watt daylight bulbs and have them on 23 hour light. im also using awesome nutes it just doesnt make any sense. :joint: :roll:
  16. ganjaking187

    Led light

    if i take pic of my setup am i gonna get busted lol im nervous about it lol. cause doesnt your isp show where you live let me know.
  17. ganjaking187

    Led light

    thanks guys my led is blue and red spectrum.theres a guy on youtube that shows plants under led start to finish and the budds look good
  18. ganjaking187

    Led light

    no but its a basic flor setup. ive just been hearing bad things about led's but ive also heard awesome things depends on the strian i guess im growing big bud X freezeland.
  19. ganjaking187

    Led light

    i have a florecent setup and a led setup. im currently growing under flor for veg stage then i was gonna move it into led room when i transplanted them into bigger pot,im just looking for some expert opinions on how to grow the best with the setups i have ty :joint::peace: