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  1. THC604

    Big Bhudda Blue Cheese, 600w

    Good to here fella.. I've grown barney bc before and the yields were good but the taste wasn't all that clever.. And i've decide to post a weekly video update aswell as the normal entries... Thanks to everyone who's stop by so far.. Thc604
  2. THC604

    what shall i do now?

    I'd be thinking about flushing her for a week or two. then its up to you if you chop her straight away or give her 24hrs of darkness then chop her.. 59days?? Bit soon anyways if you ask me she can be left in flower for upto 10wks (70 days) Any chance of some pics? can't really give any sound...
  3. THC604

    Flush or Darkness first

    Alright fella, My girls are in 16l pots and all i do for the final 2 weeks is water as normal just with out the nutes.. We're not flushing the soil in the sense that we would do for say nute burn or salt build up. we're just incouraging the plant to use up the last of the nutes stored in the...
  4. THC604

    Good Grow Room? (Pictures and Updates)

    Alright mate, well i run the dutch pro soil line of nutes. both grow and bloom have two parts a/b and as far as im aware contain all trace elemets needed for happy growth. You best bet is your local grow shop, pop in and ask them what line of nutes would best suit your needs mate.. If your...
  5. THC604

    Hello from a UK chick ;)

    Welcome sweet, We're all quite friendly here lol and by the sounds of it alot of us are just down the road.. Anyways please just try it in moderation there's some strong strains out there that really will put the new smoker on there arse.. Have fun Th604
  6. THC604

    Do feminized seeds have a high hermie rate?

    I've used fem seeds from various seed banks and touch wood not the slightest sign of a ball.. Fem all the way mate unless you fancy doing a spot of breeding..
  7. THC604

    valentines day

    Lol love it.. Just showed the miss hahahaha she didn't see the funny side hahaha
  8. THC604

    Flush or Darkness first

    oh shit forgot to say NEVER SPRAY WATER ON BUDS....... lol
  9. THC604

    Flush or Darkness first

    Alright fella, I flush for two weeks before harvest then at the end of the grow i leave the girls in darkness for 24hrs.. But thats just me, every grow has his/her own method so to be honest its probaly best for you to just do what you feels right.. But always flush first followed by a dark...
  10. THC604

    Good Grow Room? (Pictures and Updates)

    Alright fella, Looking good but going on the colour of that stem there you might wanna start adding some micro-nutes... unless its one of the strainages traits? And what kartoon has said about you fans isn't strictly true.. when we grow indoors under lights all we are doing is trying to...
  11. THC604

    Will this heal?

    Alright fella, For what its worth id chop it off, pointless leaving it prob's won't heal and you don't wanna run the risk of it turninh nasty on ya.. Choice is yours thou fella All the best Thc604
  12. THC604

    Seedlings leaves curling under, ok?

    yeah mate sounds about right.. Just let em do there thing they'll show ya when they want something.. Its a weed at the end of the day and there quite resiliant i would stick em under a dome thou... Thc604
  13. THC604

    Browning Pistils

    brown pistles are normal mate.. thats gonna happen alot well to most of em as she gets further throu the flowering cycle.. And as to finding a lady boy i'd get that outta of your flower room just to be safe.. you can always pinch em off and hope for the best.. good luck Thc604
  14. THC604

    Seedlings leaves curling under, ok?

    Oh forgot to add i never use a heat mate but thats just me.. Ive many friends that do and its not done them any harm..
  15. THC604

    Seedlings leaves curling under, ok?

    nah thats cool just keep a eye mate.. you using a humidity dome? And ive always been of the understanding that you can keep a t5 really rather close without any probs?? however i keep my seedlings under a 125w cfl and that sits maybe 3-4inch above my dome mate and i've never had any bother..
  16. THC604

    I need help with hps lighting.

    Yeah agreed mate, thats just a fire waiting to happen lol
  17. THC604

    VERY light green leaves on sprout

    That may well be the cause fella.. most potting soils contain little to no nutes what so ever its only when we pot up do we start adding nutes and ferts to the soil.. well thats the way i work anyways..
  18. THC604

    Seedlings leaves curling under, ok?

    Yeah thats spot on mate.. i wait till the girls tell me they need feeding, never before... Strange in that case i'm not to sure what maybe the cause... Might be the root 66 maybe the strain your growings not to keen on it hence the slight leaf curl.. Anyways good job mate and i wish you luck Thc604
  19. THC604

    Infrared cameras?

    LOL the heat from that ain't gonna gonna leave ir trace mate.. I wouldn't worry
  20. THC604

    Seedlings leaves curling under, ok?

    80's is cool but you wanna keep the humidity quite high.. Are you feeding them? if you are dont let nature do its thing for the first couple of wks.. Thats just my opinion anyways.. Good luck Thc604