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  1. SlightlyStoopid

    How much can I grow in my grow space??

    how else would he be able to make any kind of yeild if he went soil in such a small space? In these tight situtations its all about hydro =)
  2. SlightlyStoopid

    How much can I grow in my grow space??

    ouch... def not 6 plants haha I mean I have a 3x3 table and i thought id have room for 6 plants... I ended up barley having enough for 2... If I were you Id go with 2 and just flower early... I know it sucks but to do it comfortably Id do 2 plants or do what im doing now and do a mini SOG =)...
  3. SlightlyStoopid

    Anyone know?

    nice photo haha. Uhh shit, ya I mean I had my 400w about 6 inches from my seedlings (only cause room was cold) aaaand the leaves went all crazy and pointed downward, I moved it back off to about 1 1/2 feet. seedlings are looking much better now... its my first time vegging with a MH...
  4. SlightlyStoopid

    Anyone know?

    Anyone know of a thread that talks about HID distances from clones, seedlings, moms, ect... If you happen to know any of these yourself please feel free to spit it out. Thanks, Stoopid.
  5. SlightlyStoopid

    Smokable Seeded Herb in the same room as females.

    haha i asked the exact same thing about a year ago.... but what ever you do! dont go pluck your out door males and then go play with your fems... *personal experience*
  6. SlightlyStoopid

    OMG you wouldnt believe...

    bump the hump
  7. SlightlyStoopid

    OMG you wouldnt believe...

    How much i need help, Right now im growing 3 plants all still seedlings finishing up their first week. Weve been useing 24 hours of light for the last couple days with a MH 400w. I know for a fact its more then enough light, but the plants leaves are curling inward and down. I have narrowed it...
  8. SlightlyStoopid

    Need help with seedlings. Pics included.

    ok cool I know whats wrong then. thank you haha
  9. SlightlyStoopid

    Need help with seedlings. Pics included.

    really? ive never had it happen to me then again ive only done a handful of grows... also one of the leaves coming out of the rhino has turned black, im not to worried about it cause its just on the leaf but ya...
  10. SlightlyStoopid

    Need help with seedlings. Pics included.

    ok so this is a pic of my baby white widow and the other day I noticed her leafs starting to curl under... I pulled the light back some and paid no mind to it, then I noticed all three of my seedlings were doing the same. If anyone would like to add their 2 cents please feel free.... you...
  11. SlightlyStoopid

    24hrs of light for seedlings?

    Ok so very simply put I need to know if I can use 24hrs of light for seedlings or rather the standard 18/6. If I can go for 24hrs, How long can I keep the 24hrs without turning my fems into herms... PEACE AND POT YALL!
  12. SlightlyStoopid

    seedlings stretching... Light not to far away either.

    hmm, wel heat isnt a problem... if anything its alittle cold in my grow room.. I make sure the temp near the plants is always around 70-75. the light cycle im using right now is 18/6, should I not be giving it 6 hours of sleep as a seedling? I was ganna go 24hrs on for the first couple weeks...
  13. SlightlyStoopid

    its not straight marijuana... idk what it is... i just wanna know if it fucks you up...
  14. SlightlyStoopid

    seedlings stretching... Light not to far away either.

    bump, could use alittle bit more advice...
  15. SlightlyStoopid

    help getting rid of pm

    no, it wont as long as you use very minut amounts...
  16. SlightlyStoopid

    seedlings stretching... Light not to far away either.

    ok so I have 1 white widow, 1 White Rhino and 1 A.M.S. All femonized. My seedlings seem to be streching alot. They are also a very light tint of yellow. I did use a tiny bit of advanced nutrients, I realize this may be the problem, which may solve the yellow tint problem but I cant figure...
  17. SlightlyStoopid

    Best Fake Story for Grow Box?

    If he goes in there just tell him its pot. oops...:blsmoke:
  18. SlightlyStoopid

    Best Fake Story for Grow Box?

    Tell him thats where his dead brothers and sisters are and if he goes in there he will join them.
  19. SlightlyStoopid

    Light Cycle MADNESS!!! need a pros oppinion.

    thank you sir for taking the time to respond. I still have time to decide on it so we will see...