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  1. GuySmilie

    Yellow Dusting....

    Yep, My brutha, the ones on the bottom pic are what they look like! Cecidomyiidae aka gall midges or gall gnats Well, shit... hehe I guess it's my duty to google my ass off now and find out how to get rid of these bastards, Thanks! Hellbillie! you rock it out!
  2. GuySmilie

    Stoner Storytime

    I was walking through the park, along a purple river and stumbled upon a green nug on the...
  3. GuySmilie

    plants yellowing

    Can you post some pics?
  4. GuySmilie

    Tiny clear wormie bugs

    Fucking worms too? I have some orange ones on my grape ape...! Just realized them tonight when i started looking further into the problem of some wilting leaves and budlings for the past couple of weeks of flowering... and decided to microscope the affected budlings...! Is this "final answer"...
  5. GuySmilie

    Yellow Dusting....

    SHIT! they are yellowish/orangish worms! I snipped some of the really shitty looking bud braches and looked at them under a microscope and I'll be fucked! they are orange worms crawling around , can't see them with the naked eye except the color they make on the leaves!! Anyone know what kind...
  6. GuySmilie

    Traveling and Carrying...

    I am unsure of this as well and it's also the first I have heard of that
  7. GuySmilie

    Prices, Prices, Prices

    Been smokin ganja for 20 years, that is long enough to notice have a significant idea of how long it's been at this price. Back in the 80's the price's were going down, but so did the quality and that was in san fernando valley, but I believe because of all the increased cokeheads in the 80's is...
  8. GuySmilie

    Prices, Prices, Prices

    I do though, but during my grow months , have to puff on something... I would think that supply and demand would take place here and someday it will. The stockers will be oversupplied and will have to sell at a reduced rate to keep up with their competitors.
  9. GuySmilie

    Yellow Dusting....

    This is what i had thought at first and almost pulled it, when i decided to look at a friend crops and he had a couple plants that had the same thing going on. These little tiny buddlings at the bottoms of the plants, with a yellowish dusting on them. I believe it forms from the plants own way...
  10. GuySmilie

    Yellow Dusting....

    Before this post is lost forever in the archives of rollitup, any guru's have any thoguhts on this. Almost a week has gone by since I posted about this, the plant seems to continue strong flowers up top, but the lowers are still immature retarded buddlings, like in the pictures..., the yellow...
  11. GuySmilie

    Prices, Prices, Prices

    It's been 50 an eighth since I have been on this earth, which is the reason for the post, legal or licensed. It's still 50 an eighth. I can buy from any dispensary I want to in Colorado, but if i want the best of the best, from a dispensary that actually gives a damn about quality because they...
  12. GuySmilie

    Prices, Prices, Prices

    Will the prices ever come down? Why have street prices continued with the sales? I hold a license in Co and have to say I totally expected the prices to come down, whats the problem it's not as dangerous to carry if you are legal now, why are the prices still so high!? I am disabled, I can...
  13. GuySmilie

    Traveling and Carrying...

    I have my logical doubts on this one but here goes, I have googled here and there, but if I am traveling outside Colorado am I at risk of getting popped if I am carrying? or will another state honor the card? and if the state also has legal MMJ do i have to do something with the state in order...
  14. GuySmilie

    Why can we not laminate the card?

    The MMJ card was in my wallet for 30 days and most of the ink has rubbed off! On the letter that came with my card it says in bold print that i cannot laminate it, why is this? is the ink on everyone else's cheap and crappy and rubbin off too? TIA!
  15. GuySmilie

    top leaves curling up help

    Curious how the plant turns out, please post your final thoughts on plant when you pick it. :)
  16. GuySmilie

    Does this look healthy?

    Yea, i think they look good! Ease into the nuters, be patient, follow the schedules, you'll be fine.
  17. GuySmilie

    HELP PLEASE Can " ROOTS" be cut...?

    let is be oh let it be, whisper words of wisdom, let it be dun dun dun....
  18. GuySmilie

    light green spots then death!!!!!!!!!!!

    This kind of deformation isn't happening on all the leaves right? Just a couple? if it's just a couple you can ignore it, sometimes cutting can cause stress, i know, it looks scary to you and I but if this plant was in the great outdoors which is what you are mimicking no one would be there to...
  19. GuySmilie

    Does this look healthy?

    yea, nice and green, thick happy leaves, you're good keep us up on it~
  20. GuySmilie

    White widow flowering

    Give us an update of new pics, hows it going now? did the yellowing get worse?