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  1. cancer survivor

    Guessing Game???

    looks just like weed, smoke it and if it gets you high,enjoy that high. carry on!
  2. cancer survivor

    How long to grow? New grower.

    40 harvests in northeast and never picked my plants befor Oct 31st, unless you got some Early girls or similar strain? grow till hard frost your buds will thank you.
  3. cancer survivor

    1/2 Jar/Harvest Blues,,,,,,

    im down to my last lb of top buds from last year! but i got 3 lbs of early girl drying in the racks from 10 days ago harvest. so we are ok. six weeks till the big outdoor harvest! peace to all
  4. cancer survivor

    whats the latest youve ever planted/heard of someone planting a seed outdoor?

    i plant seedlings thru the first week of august an get small little tasty nugs. usually give them to freinds that dont grow. start my reguler plants in march, put out in may and harvest in october!
  5. cancer survivor

    Harvesting half a plot 2 hours from now! Bud rot question! Help!

    yeah throw that shit away! dont smoke bud with rot you will get sick! you cant save it so throw it away. spray for bugs next year like we do. you asked!
  6. cancer survivor

    caterpillars killer

    dont eat no catipillars there mildly poison. will make your lips swell up. ugh
  7. cancer survivor

    What Does Your Screen Name Mean?

    cancer survivor. doctors all told me it didnt look like i wood make it. but i fought that shit for years. I DID NOT DIE. now i live life like a crazy ernest hemingway. smoking,drinking,whoring. live every day like its my last!
  8. cancer survivor

    What would you do??

    i have been growing for 40 yrs. i woud cut hermie plant down and get rid of it. you asked thats my opinoin.
  9. cancer survivor

    Growing Growing Growing

    GB you lead by example! the gardens you grow are truely inspiring to us all! thank you for sharing!!
  10. cancer survivor

    Need Some Serious Advice About Strip Clubs

    no pics on this sight they all have warrants! the girls not me. ha ha. never met a stripper yet who has a drivers license or a credit card! our day starts around noon we wake, bake, swim, the girls start on strong narcotics and i tend the gardens, then we head to the casino and eat at the buffet...
  11. cancer survivor

    Need Some Serious Advice About Strip Clubs

    at one point i had 5 strippers living with me, they each gave me $600 a month, 3000. a month and all the naked girls i can look at! they loved my house they said " you have toilet paper and food plus all the pot we can smoke, were in heaven" helped em shave there lansding strips too. i am my...
  12. cancer survivor

    Need Some Serious Advice About Strip Clubs

    oh we do lots of blow, have to, my pots so good we cant stay awake without it!
  13. cancer survivor

    Need Some Serious Advice About Strip Clubs

    well if you realy like strip clubs, the Spearmint Rhino in Vegas is a must see, the Shark lounge in Daytona beach is good the girls dance on a tank of sharks! the Red Garter in Key west, Barely legal in New Orleans. all the Gold clubs are good. i live with 2 strippers and they work in these...
  14. cancer survivor

    What do you do when you have no more weed?

    you know its 7 weeks till harvest and i only have 24 oz's of super primo top bud left!! i will have to cut back on my partying to make sure it lasts! but i do have a half pound of black hash stashed for emergency use. im ok.
  15. cancer survivor

    First Year growing.

    looks like you will have some nice smoke. next year plant more, a lot more !!!
  16. cancer survivor

    First grow in 20 years

    welcome back!i like the 20 yr old seeds! i use very old seeds in some of my grows, soak in water for an hour then put in wet paper towels. in a very dark,warm place. let the tails grow to over an inch then plant you will get a beter survival rate. however with old dry seeds u do get...
  17. cancer survivor

    2013 bbq?!

    cant attend this year,will make plans for next year! the lovelies and i are sailing for west indies and points southwest late november!! if we were at our house in Santa Cruz we surely will attend.
  18. cancer survivor

    Garden Shots :)

    well done!
  19. cancer survivor

    purple hairs on my red diesel!!!

    i seen that befor, looks nice, carry on.
  20. cancer survivor

    Bud rot is taking over

    try cutting all the brush back round grow and cover the ground with dry wood chips, that will help!