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  1. ialan

    When to transplant Auto Flowering seedlings?

    i have another seedling which is about a month and a half old, which i had a few problems with, is under 18/6, about 2 days ago it started showing its pistols, it also needs to be transplanted obviously. could this bubblecious be an auto strain? it was never under 12/12 or maybe because the...
  2. ialan

    When to transplant Auto Flowering seedlings?

    whats the best size pot for this plant?
  3. ialan

    When to transplant Auto Flowering seedlings?

    when is the best time to transplant? i have a couple of Purple Cheese Auto flowering seedlings. they are about 3 weeks old and they havent started to flower yet under 18/6. when is the best to transplant them into a bigger pot?
  4. ialan

    Seeds sprouting?

    they broke the soil but they didnt sprout out they just stayed there the seed is showing but just stopped there
  5. ialan

    Seeds sprouting?

    I m using CFLs and they are 2 inch away they are probably bad seeds what is the best seed bank to buy seeds from ? cause I am having probs :S
  6. ialan

    Seeds sprouting?

    how long do they take to break the soil its already been 3 days :S
  7. ialan

    Seeds sprouting?

    Thanks guys and gals :) and is it ok not to use a propogator there at 70 percent humidity
  8. ialan

    Seeds sprouting?

    Hi guys i have a question after germinating seeds and planting them under soil wat is best to put them in the dark until the sprout or put them under light straight away??
  9. ialan

    Seedlings sprout no growth

    the prob is my country dude i cant find all the nesseccary things to build a hydro system we dont even have 5g buckets for a dwc system i have to order but there are no grow shops that ship to my country shipping will cost me a fortune :S
  10. ialan

    Seedlings sprout no growth

    yeah i guess i have to wait abit longer i hope they survive thanks guysill keep posting if they get better
  11. ialan

    Seedlings sprout no growth

    i put them under mh a few days ago they where not growing under cfl thats y i put the mh on these are now almost 1 month old have no idea what going on its a shame cause they where so expensive to get :S
  12. ialan

    Seedlings sprout no growth

    this is what is happening to them these are blue cheese seeds
  13. ialan

    Seedlings sprout no growth

    ok yesterday i put them in new soil with less perlite and there is no change they are getting worse day by day with no growth any chance someone knows what happened they have everything correct
  14. ialan

    Seedlings sprout no growth

    cool thanks man hope they survive all this :S
  15. ialan

    Seedlings sprout no growth

    my problem with soil is that in my country i cant find any soil i like like coco mix etc. so i'll just use what this peat moss and perlite
  16. ialan

    Seedlings sprout no growth

    ill let them dry then till tomorow and pull them out and use no perlite
  17. ialan

    Seedlings sprout no growth

    ii am scared to add more water ill give them another night and let them dry more them put more soil tomorow and see what happens thanks bro
  18. ialan

    Seedlings sprout no growth

    donno never heard of this i am burring them one inch deep that should be more than enouggh an the elves came out fuq I am stressing out cause they where so expensive thee freaking seeds
  19. ialan

    Seedlings sprout no growth

    As far as I know and as far as I read and see seedlings do not need and nutrients to survive the first couple of weeks then I start with 1/4 strength and so on I have done my research and correct me if I am wrong but seedlings and survive with no nutes