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  1. Neph

    PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

    V12 thanks for all the info. I am glad you decided to keep the journal after Granita. It helped me understand more of the whole process of getting a nice perpetual pc grow. I'm going to change almost my whole set up next time around. It's been nice having this journal around, I know it's helped...
  2. Neph

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    I'm waiting for the update DW. I bet their doing great.
  3. Neph

    1st Try PC Grow. Lets see how it goes.

    Leave it to me to screw up so bad that you've never seen it done before. The damaged parts were completely fried, so we trimmed. I had already moved them from the lights. Maybe I should look into the purchase of some plexiglass. I'm guessing it must be a heat issue cause Esme looks so stunted. I...
  4. Neph

    1st Try PC Grow. Lets see how it goes.

    It's been a little over a week since my last update. The plants have been doing fine. Lots of growth all around. Esme is hitting a spurt and getting new leaves and white hairs. She still is getting yellowing leaves though. I'm thinking I screwed up on the nutes. Right now she's just getting MG...
  5. Neph

    PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

    Thanks for showing this. Everyone kept telling me to cover my pots. I didn't think it would be a problem cause you have clear pots too. I have the sides covered with duct tape now though. I did it mostly cause I was tired of so many telling me to cover the roots up.
  6. Neph

    1st Try PC Grow. Lets see how it goes.

    I'll try to keep things positive, DW. V12 how long have you actually had your perpetual grow going on for?
  7. Neph

    1st Try PC Grow. Lets see how it goes.

    June 26 then? That's even farther away. Oh well maybe she'll flower real quickly. I doubt it though. :(
  8. Neph

    1st Try PC Grow. Lets see how it goes.

    So when should she be done? The longest flowering time I've seen is like 9 weeks. Should I use that for her date? Is it 9 weeks since I've seen the first pre-flower? If that's the case she wont be done till June 19. Ughh, that's so far away.
  9. Neph

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    Things are looking great DW. Have you any nutes yet? I guess I should of started my nutes earlier. Esme started eating her lower leaves. So you might want to get some nutes to them soon. Start out with about 1/4 dosage.
  10. Neph

    1st Try PC Grow. Lets see how it goes.

    Thanks DW. You know I'll be good to her, cause I want her to be good to me in the end. Ligerius, I used MG organic potting soil. Didn't mix it with anything just used it straight out of the bag. Maybe next time I'll try a better medium for my soil. V12, You think that's whats hapening? She's...
  11. Neph

    1st Try PC Grow. Lets see how it goes.

    Plants a growing like crazy. Some are getting into trouble though. I had to bury Jarobie down a bit cause she was stretching. She looks fine though. Emse has some yellowing and browning of her lowest leaves. Some are even curled up, but they don't feel crunchy at all. Is this from the nutes...
  12. Neph

    1st Try PC Grow. Lets see how it goes.

    Hey guys gut some updates. Esme is starting to really grow, but no pre-flowers yet. Daphnie and Jarobie are steadily growing. These pics are from last night. So they are bigger than this. Esme grew so much I had to retie her down farther up her stalk to keep it horizontal. Daphnie has a third...
  13. Neph

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    If you have good soil they should be able to get some nutes from the soil. Maybe wait before giving them nutes.
  14. Neph

    1st Try PC Grow. Lets see how it goes.

    Thanks for stopping by Zypher. Good luck with your closet grow. I stopped by there to check things out. Nice fan.
  15. Neph

    1st CHEAP <$50 Non-Stealth Closet Grow...Critisism is ok!

    Stopped in to see what's going on with your grow. Is it a specific strain or some bag seeds? I had my seedlings on 24/0 but I was told it was a bad idea. Plants need the dark like animals need to sleep. It's a time for recovery and building strength. I might be wrong though, but mine seemed...
  16. Neph

    1st Try PC Grow. Lets see how it goes.

    Yeah the LST is working like a charm. Lots of light getting to her. I got the idea to plant Daphnie like that from you, V12. I saw problems ahead with Esme. Eventually some of her leaves are going to end up smashed up against the side of the case. I figured I could just pull Daphnie back like...
  17. Neph

    PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

    Congrats on Amber and her first flower. Pandora is looking good. I can't wait to see all those buds fatten up.
  18. Neph

    1st Try PC Grow. Lets see how it goes.

    Still just waiting for signs on sex on Esme. Feeding her MG Bloom Booster. I also picked up some unsulphured molasses because I've read that it helps fatten buds. I'm not quite sure on when to be using it or how much. Use during the whole flowering? A tablespoon per gallon? The MG Bloom Booster...
  19. Neph

    1st Try PC Grow. Lets see how it goes.

    I guessed about 70-80 because it's warm here during the day, about 80-90F during the day and the case is in a cool area in his house. And about 55-65F at night so the lights keep it warmer. I'll check in to getting a thermometer in there to check the temps. What do you think would be the optimal...
  20. Neph

    1st Try PC Grow. Lets see how it goes.

    I have no clue on the exact temps. I would guess around 70-80F wether the lights are on or not. I live in Texas so I keep the lights off during the day to keep the temps down and they cut on at night to keep the temps up. I don't have an actual intake fan. But there is a big hole in the front of...