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  1. Osiris8605

    Some one help i transplanted and now my plants are sad!!!

    How did you transplant them? did you carefully dig them up making sure the roots were intact? because you can't just rip them out of the ground you have to be VERY gentle with the roots, and it would be wise to have them in the same soil they were in when they were in the pots to avoid shock...
  2. Osiris8605

    Morning or afternoon sun ?

    probably afternoon if you must choose
  3. Osiris8605

    Outdoor in pots

    Thanks all for the input
  4. Osiris8605

    Outdoor in pots

    Omg 25 gallon? per plant? that seems like alot
  5. Osiris8605

    My First Outdoor Groperation! (Video)

    I think I'm now dumber after watching that video.
  6. Osiris8605

    Outdoor in pots

    Are you sure about that?... I read online they were like 2.50 or something ... but still that isn't shit
  7. Osiris8605

    Outdoor in pots

    If one was to have some plants outside in pots, what would the best soil mixture be? it is of utmost importance that I have plenty of drainage as there is usually a lot of rain around here... also as far as pot size would something like 1 gallon be ok? or do I have to go all out with a 5 gallon...
  8. Osiris8605

    is this a male or a female?

    Throw that shit in the fucken fire place and start over lol
  9. Osiris8605

    I bet you've never seen ganja like this!

    Lol ... I think your a jerk! sir
  10. Osiris8605

    outdoor grow

    Dude no go on the watering just let them dry out... overwatering will probably kill em before the ferts
  11. Osiris8605

    If you have ugly parents; how will the kids turn out??

    I strongly believe environment plays a much more significant role than genetics... I started using midgrade seeds and now the way its looking I have a chance to make as good of dank as I want to make
  12. Osiris8605

    Experts please advise..

    Looks fantastic, congrats and good luck... I would just let them run their course maybe add some nutrients for nourishment if necessary but your looking good so far
  13. Osiris8605

    What happened!!!!

    also its important to max on nitrogen during the veg stage to get them big and strong, with natural and organic fert's if you can as they are more gentle and less likely to "burn" your plants... you could litterally water them with piss from time to time if nothing else lol just not too much
  14. Osiris8605

    What happened!!!!

    If I were you I would keep it within inches of the light, the good thing about flourescent lights is the super low heat level so you can practically have them touching the bulb, but yeah you could also toss it outside if you have some really sunny day's and good weather in your area
  15. Osiris8605

    What happened!!!!

    Yeah it could be overwatering for sure, could also be irregular lighting cycles or nutrient burn. How much light do you have on these? your going to want to use ALOT of light as much as possible and also make sure to use a cooling fan if it gets too warm
  16. Osiris8605

    best bug repellent?

    I've heard good things about garlic... personally I'm going to try this idea I have of making tea with massive amounts of garlic and a bit of red chilli pepper then strain this and put it in a spray bottle which I will then keep handy just in case bugs try messin with my plants.... definitely...
  17. Osiris8605

    Burned leaves...

    Very nice : ) glad to hear
  18. Osiris8605

    The Daily Bud

    ...true christmas tree's
  19. Osiris8605


    soap? are you serious?? that cannot be healthy to smoke/eat