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  1. .Anonymous.

    Does weed make you horny?

    I quit smoking for a year and a half because of this job that gave random drug tests, when I got back into it [about seven months ago] I got CRAZY body-tingles and waves. I still get them, and it still makes me really horny, but it lessened within seven months of smoking. [heh.. So most people...
  2. .Anonymous.

    Good or Bad Christmas?

    5am, hid the stockings around the house [we hide them like easter baskets, it's more fun] 7am, smoking ouuuuut until 9. Drove the fam. over to the rest of the family at my grandmother's house. Mowed down food like it was nothing until like 4, when me and a couple cousins snuck out and baked in...
  3. .Anonymous.

    Bump If You're Baked!

    -=Sigh=- I just smoked the whole fucken dime my girl gave me till sunday browsing RIU.....
  4. .Anonymous.

    Goodbye!! [well everybody says "hello" -.- ]

    Thank yous, thank yous. -=bows formally=- Now... -=Takes a long drag offa blunt=- who here likes the good, heavy metal muuuuuusic?
  5. .Anonymous.

    The worst your parents ever beat your ass

    Shit, I was sneaking out with my girlfriend when I was back in high school... We was going to this party a couple blocks over, needless to say the "two hours" we were gonna spend there turned into stumbling back into the house at four in the morning, reeking of pot and wine booze. Well...
  6. .Anonymous.

    Random talk to people! =D

    Schweet. I just got my shit in earlier. I'm baaaaaked. So what's up with everyone? =] [And heeeyyyyyyy, I'll go anywhere they got some good weed. Just went out to the asscrack of town to get some decent kush :) heehee]
  7. .Anonymous.

    Goodbye!! [well everybody says "hello" -.- ]

    Because I burn like a flippin' lobster whenever I go >.> I'll stay in the house and watch Tom and Jerry reruns all night, thank youuuuu. haha
  8. .Anonymous.

    Random talk to people! =D

    Well I was bored, and figured some other people could be bored, as well. So... Talk it up in hurr. :joint::hump:
  9. .Anonymous.


    Fuck snow. Fuck flat soda. Fuck stoner animals that cleaned out my bowl >.> Fuck life. Fuck sobriety. Fuck me. Fuck you. ["Fuck the police and the 502"- ICP "Fuck the world"] <-= listen to it...=-
  10. .Anonymous.

    Most Memorable Place You've Toked

    When I was back in high school, I conned my girlfriend into smoking in all the bathrooms. Two tokes in each stall, then on to the next. We went through all the bathrooms and still had a little bit left so we went in the handicapped elevator, hit the emergency stop and stoned out. When we opened...
  11. .Anonymous.

    New Years Resolution

    +Stop going to my classes baked. haha. +Get a decent goddamn girlfriend.. >.>
  12. .Anonymous.

    Don't YOU think the prices of weed are insane?

    If it's not spectacular, like... 150-200. But for real good shit, I'd pay like.. 250-280 I'm poor, and I gots bills ta pay.
  13. .Anonymous.

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Got some good shit from a local. =D Bump+
  14. .Anonymous.

    Good stoner music

    "More human than human"- White Zombie "Down and Out"-Tantric Bomb.. as hell. =D >are baked<
  15. .Anonymous.

    What To Listen To When Getting High?}

    Eminem, Kottonmouth Kings, Cypress Hill, Cold, Crossfade, Metallica, Bob Marley, Sublime, Tantric, Weird Al. the list rolls on. . .
  16. .Anonymous.

    What color is your bic

    I currently have a blue. I alternate between blue and red. But no other colors. Idk why, I have to have one of the two.
  17. .Anonymous.

    Goodbye!! [well everybody says "hello" -.- ]

    :) Well, uhmm.. Yeah, hello. I'm a pothead in nature and have meandered to this here site via google. Uhmm.. I enjoy long walks on the beach, pina coladas and getting caught in the rain---- No not really. But I don't really know that much about me, so uhhmm.. yeah, hi. Uhmm.. Hope I don't piss...