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  1. Xan2

    Droopy leaves, curling leaves, pics

    To me it seems heat stress... i don't know what kind of light is there but seems pretty close to that sucker... try putting the light little farther and mist the sucker once or twice a day fews days and see if it comes back...
  2. Xan2

    Help Burnt Tips!

    a dead thing does not revive lol... it's our world, born 2 die...
  3. Xan2

    leaves curling and drying out

    Yeah a fan do the job, i have a 1000w in a 4x5x5 area with a big fan circulating the air, my plants are at 24" from the top of the plant and seems to be ok... one shown lil burn.. but found that she did not get watered properly tough... The room temps stay at 80-85F...
  4. Xan2

    Seedlings, Clones, Need Night?

    18/6 is the way to go, then 12/12.
  5. Xan2

    Boiling The Roots Before Chopping The Buds?

    THC come out of roots? ahahaha that was a good one!
  6. Xan2

    hash prices! plz help

    well, bubble hash is usually 10$ a gr. but can easily get more expensive....
  7. Xan2

    Bad to remove fan leaves a week before harvest?

    Remove them anyway, let the last bit of energy get into the buds.
  8. Xan2

    Island outdoor grow thread

    voodoo voodoo hooahh!
  9. Xan2

    Roomates photoshoot

    Nice pic, but with a D40.. i would have taken a macro shot ;)
  10. Xan2

    How big do you want a Mother?

    I would say you need to wait at least 6 weeks of vegetation to be able to take 20 cuttings per month but i might be wrong. As for the size.. just let them grow and get bigger.. you will be able to take more cuttings over time..
  11. Xan2

    I'm thinking male???

    Yep this is a nice pair of balls.... don't let em spit outta your garden... kill kill kill :D
  12. Xan2

    How much light exposure is too much?

    You can use a green light in your room, they produce good light source and they are not affecting the dark period of the plant, but use them as little as possible. After all you don't want to be waken up earlier when you dodo ;)
  13. Xan2

    Jack Flash SoG Journal

    Very nice setup, nice clones too!!! +rep
  14. Xan2

    2.5 X 5 X 7.5H Space - 1000 Watts Baby!! Many Pics

    These leafs are burnt by your light. Put your light 6" higher and see if its good.
  15. Xan2

    Filter Smell HELP!!!!

    Put a fan for the intake to avoid smell leaks outta this hole, this is the only thing i can see...
  16. Xan2

    Exhuast (cool tube)

    It works better when you pull the air rather then pushing it.
  17. Xan2

    Cheapest way to test water efficiently?

    Get liquid ph tester... better be in the good range than nothing... or just get to your local hydro shop to test it for you...
  18. Xan2

    flood and drain timing?

    I flood my tray 5 minutes using digital timer every 4 hours starting at 8am stop at dodo time midnight... this gives em 5 watering per day, i use this cycle from start to end and i use 4" rockwool cubes in clay pellets, hope it helps.
  19. Xan2

    My new grow room build step by step(pics)

    Nice setup, keep up the good work and keep posting pics :P
  20. Xan2

    help with my hydro set-up

    A digital ph meter and a ppm/tds meter are a must in hydroponic! RO water is also a very good step. You might want to consider a reservoir that have around 10 liters of water per plants for flower stage. If you have a too small res. Big ph fluctuation can happen real quick and ppm rise every...