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    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    So, I'm ready to take my growing to the next level and scrog. I've been reading about it for months, considered it for the last two grows, but now is the time, when the current batch comes down in a couple weeks, I'm going to set up to scrog. What I'd like to ask some advice on is how to get...
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    are carbon filters and air cool reflectors needed?

    Depends on if you want/ need to do it, without people knowing. You can smell mine really strongly up the road when the filter is not on! Had a friend call me while I was on holiday to ask if I was stashing weed at my house because the whole street stank of it. Turned out my filter hadn't...
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    are carbon filters and air cool reflectors needed?

    Rhino seemed to be the brand to go for when I went looking. The do different sizes, so you will need to do a quick calculation to see which one you need. Its all about the amount of air it can shift per minute, compared to the size of the grow area. You shouldn't need a big one. There are two...
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    right amount of plants for space

    I'd flip that plant on its side and grow it horizontal! Fill the whole space with a big canopy, similar to a SCROG, but without as much effort. I'd never go back to growing vertical again. In that size space you could probably cram two good plants in See here for an example, also has a link to...
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    are carbon filters and air cool reflectors needed?

    It all depends on if you and more importantly your neighbours/ family/ visitors like the smell of weed! When those flowers start coming, it will stink, a lot! When you chop it down and start drying it, it will stink even more! A carbon filter for me is a must (I only grow two at a time, all...
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    What am I doing wrong!!

    They dont look too bad, just a bit weak, a bit top heavy. Support tbose stems and it will soon sort itself out. I tend to cut a straw longways and just wrap it around and then push it into the soil, suports it long enough until it can hold its own weight (dont have the straw on for too long...
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    The NOT 12/12 Flowering Light Cycle

    So while searching the net for possible damage I have done to my plant by having a broken timer for a few days (5 weeks into flower, 48 hours at least constant light) I came across this by Ed Rosenthal which makes an interesting point. Plants do not need to be "12/12" in order to flower. They...
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    24 hour light when in flower (accidental)

    I've always been curious what would happen if once they have gone into flower mode, you have them 24 hour light? Would they revert to veg stage again, or would the extra light mean bigger buds? Well by accident, I've just found out. I noticed that the small bud leafs on the stems closest to...
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    The water released under the leaf......

    Pictures are here: I can get new ones if needed
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    The water released under the leaf......

    So my plants are a few weeks into bloom, looking healthy, no problems of note. Recently when watering them I have noticed on a few leafs there are drops of water. At first I thought it was just splilage from me watering them, maybe dribble as I leaned over them! But no, it wasn't that. Then I...
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    My Horizontal Grow 2

    Good advice, I need to do something as its just a bushy mess now, great leaf canopy, but some bud sites are getting drowned under it, so it needs a trim. Not going to top it now as don't like doing it in bloom, but will do next time to focus the energy
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    My Horizontal Grow 2

    They responded well. I think I stunted them a bit with the repotting, but they flourished after. These are the progress. The first picture they had already had the main stem fastened down. Then I tied down both sides. These pictures are only days apart, they settled a grew a huge canopy pretty...
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    12/12 From Seed Experiment - 21 Strains

    Really good effort. I love stuff like this, rather than hoping to get answers from others, you've actually been bothered to do the experiment yourself. With great results. Its interesting about the pot sizes, I've just gone and moved mine into massive monster pots, hoping to increase the...
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    Hey guys! Is this normal? (pic)

    Yeah basically, it will be all around there. How long have you had your lights on 12/12?
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    My Horizontal Grow 2

    These aren't the best pictures, but they will show the difference tomorrow when I get the side supports out and start tying them down. I've also under watered them, so they look a little sorry for themselves. Its deliberate though as the stems are more bendy when they have less water in and...
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    My Horizontal Grow 2

    Those last ones would have made children cry! They are starting to right themselves already. Clever little things.
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    My Horizontal Grow 2

    The above shows the before and after me turning them sideways, they look a bit sad and damaged now, but hopefully if it all goes to plan and within a week they will right themselves and go on to become monsters!
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    My Horizontal Grow

    Attempt number 2!
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    My Horizontal Grow 2

    I kept track of the last time I did this here: Now my next two plants are a few weeks in, I'm about the flip them on their side again, so thought I would show you all the before, after and then the results of growing the plant on its side...