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  1. mrdrywall

    2 noob questions about cloning?

    i dont use a mother anymore i will take cuttings from 10 plants let em bounce back then flower when clones grow out cutttings from them then flower etc. i prefer that over mother plants in my grows it seems they root faster and i have way better plants then when i used a mother i always have at...
  2. mrdrywall

    Did I top correctly??? Pic

    figured id put mine up too proof is in the pics this is 1 of my super skunks in veg right now topping the same as purplehazin and 1 from a past grow
  3. mrdrywall

    Did I top correctly??? Pic

    thats how its done nice man
  4. mrdrywall

    Did I top correctly??? Pic

    no doubt fuck all that tieing i top mine like that also and always have 4 main colas
  5. mrdrywall

    will my plants be ready in (10) days? <<pics included>>

    agreed check trichs look just about ready now
  6. mrdrywall

    lighting question?

    i have 18 plants under 2 1000w hps and in my opinion its plenty if i had 3 i would add at least 9 or so more plants
  7. mrdrywall

    Getting seeds

    no doubt no sense makin it easy for the cops
  8. mrdrywall

    Too many lights??

    i have been runnin 2 1000w hps for over a yr now and 12 t8 for veg pay the bill on time evreything is computerized until u dont pay then people get involved
  9. mrdrywall

    Harvest soon, Need help!

    agreed u can read for a week on here just for harvesting and curing chances r most questions from newbies on here have already been answered. read read read then read some more thats how i learned
  10. mrdrywall

    Soft water.

    ive been using softened water in veg for a yr or so now,ph is right at 6 or so never knew it was bad for the plants im def going to do some research
  11. mrdrywall

    Jiffy pellets ??

    i do them that way ,just started a few months ago and for me its workin way better than puttin em in soil right after the paper towel also if u just put them into the pellets lot of times u have to dig around in there to turn em right side up, so as soon as they pop on paper towel i put em in...
  12. mrdrywall

    I like black women

    wou;dnt blame em your a sick dude
  13. mrdrywall

    Best Nutrients For Soil Grows

    no doubt fox farm everything
  14. mrdrywall

    newbie question about buds.

    when i first started i was using small pots went bigger on next grow and way better buds
  15. mrdrywall

    what can I do to fix hard water without gettting a reverse osmosis machine?

    i have the exact same prob, not really a newbie either i use well water and check ph regularly im growing in soil ph is right where it is supposed to be i tried fox farm big bloom the other day still waitin on results and its mainly on my nute sensitive plants that this happens to using all fox...
  16. mrdrywall

    getting a steady look at tricomes

    agreed with all the above scope is a pain to use but im used to mine now just took a leaf off yest. to look for mites and it was pretty easy to see trichs and everything laying it flat,when im checking 4 just trichs i put my hand bhind the bud for support and push the scope right up against the...
  17. mrdrywall

    2 weeks into Veg yellowing + burnt tips PICS

    i dont have an answer but mine do that sometimes too especially clones i cut bad leaves and keep on truckin
  18. mrdrywall

    new veg room set up

    thanx 4 the comments bout time i got organized least now i know my next 2 grows r covered
  19. mrdrywall

    new veg room set up

    can get em a foot and a half on the other wall but really only let em get a foot or so b 4 i flower