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  1. N

    What's in your retail cannabis?

    You a correct my apologies
  2. N

    Canadian Cannabis clinics.

    Ive talked to the one in london. They wanted me to jump though a ton of hoops even though im registered through another doc. (Just needed to renew and my doc was on holidays). If in london try dr. Hart at the longevity clinic
  3. N

    What's in your retail cannabis?

    Whats lol is a couple of posts ago you said you dont know much about growing but yet you know about this product.
  4. N

    What's in your retail cannabis?

    Ive used it before in veg but not comfortable using it once buds start. It's just a personal thing.
  5. N

    What's in your retail cannabis?

    Ive been using white wash with good results for pm (usually not a problem, except summer). I find mega wash works well for the bugs.
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    MASS CONFUSION ON OUR FEDS LAP!!! Its the peoples plant, never forget that and all will work fine!

    The wicked witch of t.o. just wants to know when she can start spending the tax revenue from legal sales.
  7. N

    Summary from Tousaw on Task Force Meeting

    I bet rec will just have lower standards than medical. So business as usual at the old lp.
  8. N

    Looks like I'll need a new (Ontario) dr.

    I seen in another tread you are from london. You can try dr hart at the longevity clinic. Wednesdays are appointment day.
  9. N

    Canadian Cannabis Clinics warns that patients using u

    Actually the dispensary in question is not in shit because of dry weed but its the health board coming after them for the edibles. They never were inspected to sell food. Its the same reason why most of the variety stores here stopped selling deli meats and premade foods.
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    Green Organic Dutchman Newest LP

    Where do you think they learned it from?
  11. N

    Well Today's the Day (ACMPR Regulations and Forms)

    No it doesn't because a fetus is not a person until born. Thats why abortion is legal.
  12. N

    Canadian doctors divided over details of legal marijuana

    Not only that but why different levels of intoxicating. Ontario has the lowest level, for some reason .5 is over the limit. Just we can't handle our liquor as well as any other province.
  13. N

    ACMPR hahahahahaha

    I hope your right. But the way i read it from the hc release is that was the amount allowable for possession at any time.
  14. N

    ACMPR hahahahahaha

    I personally think we need a 6 month supply limit if any. Case in point ive had some landraces go 20 weeks plus just in flower. How the fuck is a 30 day supply going to help while waiting between harvests.
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    questions for mmar people

    I think may need a lawyer. I know you could write off smoking supplies under mmpr, so we should be able to write off growing needs a medical expense as well.
  16. N

    questions for mmar people

    I a question more on the write off's of growing. Figured you people were the best to ask. How much of your hydro bill, equipment etc were you allowed to write off as a medical expense with mmar. Just thinking it may be time for all new gear if i can write it off. Any feedback is appreciated.
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    Fact Sheet : Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations

    My question is what would the charge be if your over your limit. Say clones or over the 150g.
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    The common question gets to the bottom of some of the central problems in drug policy.

    So you knew it was all the same plant. Not one good bud and the rest shit.
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    The common question gets to the bottom of some of the central problems in drug policy.

    Not To mention that we figured out sticks , seeds and leaves dont have the thc values and have removed them which increases the over all count.
  20. N

    Canada is going on a marijuana search-and-destroy mission in farmers' fields

    Probably not unless there was a complaint. In most cities planes are not allowed to just fly around as the tend to pass flight plans. Think 5 miles from airport is min safe distance for planes.