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  1. C

    Wtf is this heeeeeeeeeeelp??? Sos!!!!

    The infected leave on one plant touched another plants fan leaves and it looks like it could be contagious, cause the healthy fan leave on the other plant now shows the same syptomes after comming into contact with the infected plant. could be coincident. Could it be some kind of bug or mold?
  2. C

    Wtf is this heeeeeeeeeeelp??? Sos!!!!

    just been giving the tap water with a native ppm of 50 and a ph of 6.8 the last 48 hours. Getting ready to transplant from 1.8 ltrs to 11 ltrs.
  3. C

    Wtf is this heeeeeeeeeeelp??? Sos!!!!

    I can asure you they're not. It's something else, the lights are 2+ feet above canopy level, no heat probs whatsoever. Anyone else?
  4. C

    Wtf is this heeeeeeeeeeelp??? Sos!!!!

    Hey guys, i had to move my clones to a friends house for a few weeks cause of security reasons. Got them back yesterday and they aren't looking to good. I'm still a noob and only have 2 runs under my belt, never seen this before, advise would be great. They are 2 months into veg in 1,8 ltr...
  5. C

    wtf am i on food stamps???

    Hey guys, i had to move my clones to a friends house for a few weeks cause of security reasons. Got them back yesterday and they aren't looking to good. I'm still a noob and only have 2 runs under my belt, never seen this before, advise would be great. They are 2 months into veg in 1,8 ltr...
  6. C

    day 50 of flower, pics, budrot?

    okay thx guys i'll keep an eye on them. btw the sun gives out a maximum lumens pr square ft of 10 000, and that's only on a cloud free sunny day at the equator. You can bleech the plant which i have done with my 15 000 lumens pr sq.ft in the 2x3, even if temperatures are ok. Don't know if...
  7. C

    day 50 of flower, pics, budrot?

    Hello friend. here is some basic info on the grow: Strain=LSD. 2,75 gallon pots, 50/50 coco/hydroton mix, GH nutes, ppm(700 scale) as high as 1800-1900 mid-flower but for the most part 1000-1200(that's what i'm runnig now. The cab is a 2x3, 600w hps(overkill)? anyway they look nice i must admit...
  8. C

    day 50 of flower, pics, budrot?

    Thanks for replying, +rep for you. They are not on a carpet, i'll include a pic taken on day 39 that shows the entire setup. I'm really scared of loosing this harvest you see. On my last run which was also my first grow, i lost 50% of the harvest to budrot, i cried. If i loose this one, i'm on...
  9. C

    day 50 of flower, pics, budrot?

    zup guys. Well, i'm on day 50 of flower and were looking good but today something smells rotten in the cab of pot. Alot of the buds smell kinda funky and have what apears to be small green balls all over them, some of the buds even look like they're loosing some size, but i'm not sure. I'm only...
  10. C

    lol wtf is this???

    lmao yes i'ma post a new pic in a few days and see wazup.
  11. C

    lol wtf is this???

    day 44 of flower when i discover this shit. Is it a male flower?
  12. C

    Light burn???

    you wouldn't bleach them again? they are in the same spot as they have always been, and they must stay there until harvest cause i cant move the plants at this point for alot of reasons. There is no powdery mildew. And it's not nuteburn cause it only affects the plant parts that are directly...
  13. C

    Light burn???

    it's not N deficiency cause it's only the leaves directly under the light. Is the bleaching gonna hinder bud growth?
  14. C

    Light burn???

    sup gents. I'm experiencing some bleech or burn on all of my plant parts that are directly under the 600w hps. I let them veg for to long and they got way to tall, so i've supercropped the fuck outta them and created a bathtub-shaped dome thingie under the light, creating distance directly under...
  15. C

    Doctor: How long do they have? (pics)

    well that's great to know thank you! + rep to the both of you.
  16. C

    Doctor: How long do they have? (pics)

    So it's deffinetly not bugs or mildew or some shit like that?
  17. C

    Doctor: How long do they have? (pics)

    yeah i have to run a 600 or it gets to cold!
  18. C

    Doctor: How long do they have? (pics)

    Light burns on the lower shaded leaves?
  19. C

    Doctor: How long do they have? (pics)

    what? how did you..... i posted this tread after you anwered! lol ok well that sounds good but what about the holes? Can i get a second opinion? And a third?