Wtf is this heeeeeeeeeeelp??? Sos!!!!

Hey guys, i had to move my clones to a friends house for a few weeks cause of security reasons. Got them back yesterday and they aren't looking to good. I'm still a noob and only have 2 runs under my belt, never seen this before, advise would be great.

They are 2 months into veg in 1,8 ltr pots of coco with hydroton on top, GH nutes, been under a 400 w hps for vegging the whole time. Any questions please ask. Plus rep for help!!


Well-Known Member
Check ph. that is not a burn Did your friend do any watering? some sort of disease......

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
To me it looks like a combination of physical damage, like the horizontal stripes, and stress reactions. It could be a result of hot spots from the light... maybe. Could a phosphate/calcium pH related thing maybe also. I put most of my money on just stress and carelessness though. They should rebound just fine so long as you keep your pH in range and your nutrients balanced.


Active Member
Yup she is hungry cal/mag that first pic is cal def for sure. The others look like more mag def.

Check the ph before you buy anything though, ph changes to high/low will cause problems. I like 6.8 for soil, 5.4/5.8 works for hydro. If you buffered your soil with dolo lime ph issues are unlikely.
just been giving the tap water with a native ppm of 50 and a ph of 6.8 the last 48 hours. Getting ready to transplant from 1.8 ltrs to 11 ltrs.


Active Member
I had the exact same problem, appart from being in soil tho.
The spots just keep getting larger till the entire leave is black and curled up and falls off.
It took me weeks after the plants were down to work out what it was.
Nute burn mixed with a mg def.
Bet thing would be to flush with properly pH'd water until the pH of the run off is correct. The reason for that is because the nute burn with the mg def very quickly causes a lock out.
I know that from allot of reading coco grows have a tendency to have mg defs and should always be supplemented with the correct mg/calcium supplements. Not just Epsom Salts. Have you been compensating for that?
Check out some of my pics of my last plants, its almost an identical problem.

Hope that helps a bit, im really new to all this to.


Active Member
Yeah i am going to say it's a good time to get a cal/mag product. I use botanicare cal/mag not the + one. The + one is harder to flush i found, in soil anyways.

Epsom salt is also good for the mag, but if your running hydro i wouldn't use salts.


Active Member
It's looks like a phosphorus issue though toxicity or lock-out may exhibit symptoms of deficiency, flush, check pH and get your nutes balanced. Here's a pic I found somewhere/sometime, hope it helps. (credit to original poster)



Active Member
Phos will make the leaves curl under and go alot more even crispyness. I also thought this too, but the rust spots on that first pic makes me think more cal/mag. I think it needs a good complete feeding. That pic you posted is great it shows the diff, the cal is the more random spots, the phos kinda comes in from the veins and spreads out.

Wanted to add that your leaves won't come back, you will see it stop spreading and the new growth will be nice ane green healthy.


Active Member
Agree except in the case of toxicity when they will exhibit signs of calcium, magnesium and/or iron deficiency. imho it's hard to diagnose exactly, flushing, adjusting pH and watching your nute balance pretty much always works regardless of the cause. Bighill is right, the damaged leaves will likely not recover but make sure to trim any necrotic material to reduce the chance of mold.
The infected leave on one plant touched another plants fan leaves and it looks like it could be contagious, cause the healthy fan leave on the other plant now shows the same syptomes after comming into contact with the infected plant. could be coincident. Could it be some kind of bug or mold?