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  1. C

    Is it time to harvest my GSC?

    Awesome info guys. I am so glad I asked! You guys are great
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    Is it time to harvest my GSC?

    Hi Everyone, My second grow and my first grow of GSC and I believe these are ready for harvest but with a still novice eye, I wanted to run these pics by you to see what you thought. Some history The seeds were purchased as photoperiod but along the way what I thought was new growth from...
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    Question on leftover water

    Hi, I have a few plants on different watering schedules throughout the week but basically on the same schedule otherwise. Depending on the week, I may mix CAL-MAG in a 1 Gal sprayer I water with, or possibly another week with a combo of Fox Farm Big Bloom, Grow Big, and/or Tiger Bloom. My...
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    Is this bud or bunches of new leaves

    ok so sitting here thinking of that statement. I did lower my grow light a bit but I assume I still keep them on 12/12 light schedule at this point? BTW if it helps, I have a King Plus 600W LED hung 22" above the canopy
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    Is this bud or bunches of new leaves

    WOOOT!!! Thanks HydroKid239
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    Is this bud or bunches of new leaves

    Here is a couple pics of my Fem/Auto girls who started showing signs of this over the past 4 days. I hate to even ask and I am knocking on wood right now but I assume this is early signs of bud forming maybe?
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    Is this bud or bunches of new leaves

    Guys, dont know if you remember your first but to me they became my babies. I bitched about the cost of a dime bag in school and little did I know how hard and how tedious kinda getting this right was at least from and indoor grow. so much resarch, so much babying and TLC. I killed some of the...
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    Is this bud or bunches of new leaves

    Hi SM. After feedback here and comparing other pics of male vs female I have eliminated all be 2 plants. Attached are the only 2 left and pics labeled. Let me know what you think. Also, thoughts on my question wondering if there was a definitive way in determining whether my larger 2...
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    Is this bud or bunches of new leaves

    Hi, here are the other 4. Each plant labeled on the pics. The initial one and these guys literally got to this point in like 3 days. before..nothing but leaves. Backstory is that my bigger ones currently in 3 gallon pots showing really small hairs this week were ordered as feminized...
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    Is this bud or bunches of new leaves

    All, thank you for the quick reply for sure. I pulled this one out of the room immediately after reading this but I h ad a question on it. I looks like they may have started opening a lilttle. Based on the pic, do you think it was far enough along that it has already pollinated the females in...
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    Is this bud or bunches of new leaves

    Hi, I finally have a couple of my first attempt plants starting to show true signs of early hairs but this one smaller one is making me doubt what it is doing. When these first started, I thought for sure it was buds but now a few days later, it almost looks like a bunch of new leaves about to...
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    Male or Female

    HI rmax. Any particular image you are referencing there that I should focus on to confirm this in the next couple weeks?
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    Male or Female

    thank you all for your responses and time!
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    Male or Female

    sorry guys. here are updated pics in normal light
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    Male or Female

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    Male or Female

    Hi, thanks for the response. The particular 4 plants came as a bonus pack of seeds when I purchased auto-flowering/feminized seeds so I am worried about them being male. Any thoughts on how much longer or how to tell when it is the right time to determine sex?
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    Male or Female

    Hi everyone, I wanted to get your opinion on one of my plants and whether it is a male or female. Attached are a few views of the same plant and in the same area of it. I would appreciate your thoughts and thank you
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    First-timer question on grow light

    Hi, ty very much for the follow up and confidence boost lol. It is truly nice to see an active forum with people willing to help. I have a long way to go and I am quite certain I will probably trip up much more. From what I have read a cheap initial setup is like $150 min which don't get me...
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    First-timer question on grow light

    Hi guys, Thanks for the quick response. I have done some reading but obviously still have no experience. My apologies. I should have provided more info. I work from home so my idea is to either to grow in my mancave closet with lights and a fan and/or suppliment daytime grow by putting them...
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    First-timer question on grow light

    All, I have my first seeds ordered and on their way. At this point, its pretty much just an interest and test so I don't want to break the bank on an indoor grow that may not even work. I have a small LED grow light I have ordered but my question is around an existing light I have and if it...