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  1. T

    Almost 3 weeks into my first!

    Once the runoff begins I stop watering so there is not much.
  2. T

    Almost 3 weeks into my first!

    Thank you guys for such amazing feedback! I am currently just putting plain RO water with a PH of about 6.2 a little on the lower side last time I checked. I have not given them any nutrients so far; except the FFOF soil being hot. If my ph is off what is the safest way to ensure I don’t...
  3. T

    Almost 3 weeks into my first!

    It is the thermometer for the heat pad! I was trying to make sure I let the soil dry out before I began to water again because I had been overwatering in the beginning (this picture was right before I watered them). Whenever I water them they do not seem to perk back up; does it look like I am...
  4. T

    Almost 3 weeks into my first!

    Hello everyone! My ladies are almost 3 weeks old. I had previously posted about this grow about about 2 weeks ago and they had been doing great since I was able to make those adjustments. The leaves that are starting to yellow and burn had previously done the same thing but had stopped and...
  5. T

    First time growing

    Hello everybody! My ladies had been doing great since I was able to make those adjustments. But just recently they have seemed to slow down on growth a bit and started to show some more burning and have become quite droopy. I was wondering if anyone knew what could be going on with them! Thank you!
  6. T

    First time growing

    Okay awesome! Thank you for the help once again! Much appreciated!
  7. T

    First time growing

    Hello everyone! I was able to get a picture of the bugs in the soil. They look like they are hypoaspis miles like pandawan warrior had previously said; just wanted to make sure they are beneficial and not harmful! Thank you!
  8. T

    First time growing

    Thank you guys for the great advice! I will definitely make these adjustments right away!
  9. T

    First time growing

    Thank you guys for the feedback everything definitely helps! I am very new to this
  10. T

    First time growing

    Hello all, This is my first time growing, I am loving the experience so far and very eager to learn! Unfortunately I have had a few issues already. I started off by overwatering the plants and had accidentally Had a droplet then to white mold on a leaf which I took care of quickly by uncovering...