Search results

  1. Mary Lou

    Do I need to add nutrients to multi purpose compost when growing?

    Any advice on whether to add or not to add?, should I use fox farm trio set?. Plants are about 3 weeks in. Thanks :D
  2. Mary Lou

    Are these seedlings leggy?

    Could you move it for me?, thank you.
  3. Mary Lou

    Are these seedlings leggy?

    No I posted a completely different question because I didn't find your answer helpful & wanted to move my question to another thread. One related to my question. Is all.
  4. Mary Lou

    Are these seedlings leggy?

    Okai dokie :) I'll take them down :D
  5. Mary Lou

    Are these seedlings leggy?

    Thanks, Im going to buy some new pots, haven't had chance and only had the one so I improvised. Do you think I should replant them lower in the next pot or keep them as they are? :D. I have separated the plants with a plastic peice, none of the roots can mingle together :) ?
  6. Mary Lou

    Are these seedlings leggy?

    Are these seedlings leggy?, completely new to all this. Just curious, I have moved the light closer and re-planted them. Just curious if they look O.K now? :) Thanks.