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  1. slu2

    SB5615 Marijuana decriminalization in Washington state

    This just passed the Senate committee in Washington State on February 18th!
  2. slu2

    Parents talking about marijuana

    My dancing Fisher Price toy:
  3. slu2

    Parents talking about marijuana

    fdd2blk Thanks for adding that !
  4. slu2

    Parents talking about marijuana

    Yeah, sorry about that. When I read the Terms of Service at I realized that I had violated their TOS by editing the movies. So I took my edited movies down and made them private. Add me as a friend on YouTube. I have some other private videos to share there.
  5. slu2

    Parents talking about marijuana

    Correction on those links above. Here are the links I have to use. (I had a license issue) Anyway. Marijuana precinct Cop and Judge in Court Sensimillia...
  6. slu2

    Parents talking about marijuana

    Thanks bro! Did you see my more recent vids? This is the last one:
  7. slu2

    Parents talking about marijuana

    I hope more people make these! This is so damn funny!!!!!!!! These vids only take about 30-60 minutes to make. Their slogan is "if you can type, you can make a movie".. It's truly that easy. Post your movies at xCannabis and you might win a prize . =)
  8. slu2

    Parents talking about marijuana

    That would be EXCELLENT!! These videos are easy to make! Lets have some competition! Im going to think of something and post it on there will be prizes!
  9. slu2

    Parents talking about marijuana

    Im going to just keep uploading them to Im making a bunch of these! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  10. slu2

    Parents talking about marijuana Two corrupt teachers talking about scoring ganja from lockers!
  11. slu2

    Parents talking about marijuana That guy is shakin it man!
  12. slu2

    Parents talking about marijuana

    This forum doesn't allow video? Or am I not doing something right? Check out this little cartoon I made. Kinda lame. But Im going to be making more soon!
  13. slu2

    Obama on decriminalization

    It's true that 3rd parties are barred from the debates though. Check this out: Ralph Nader’s ticket to the debate
  14. slu2

    Affirmative Action

    Is throwing good money after bad. The idea is nice "help out the less fortunate". But what that does is gives a racial preference in our system. Meaning those who are not white-working-class-males get a handout (including rich corporate bankers, without A-A).. But there is one group of...
  15. slu2

    house repubs say noooo?

    Two parties. Same puppet masters. $$$
  16. slu2

    house repubs say noooo?

    Barack's policies and votes in the Senate damn near mimicked Bush.
  17. slu2

    Obama on decriminalization

    Outrage? Why is it always about rage for you? Women's fault that they get raped? I've never said, implied or meant any such thing. You came up with some incredible statistics awhile back, I have yet to verify them. However, I know that in civilized countries most abortions are due to piss...
  18. slu2

    Obama on decriminalization

    I think I explained my plan to you. And so far, Im on the wining end of my plan. Because to date I have absolutely no unwanted or accidental children. I feel confident that I can keep this record going. That's your issue not mine. My issue is that Barack has his priorities screwed up...
  19. slu2

    Obama on decriminalization

    First, Im not "anti-choice". I vote mostly libertarian on issues. I've found that Ron Paul and I have a lot in common in relation to the mix of Libertarian and Conservative ideals. However, I vote for Nader, have for many elections. Marginalizing me by calling me "anti-choice" is silly...
  20. slu2

    Obama on decriminalization

    There is plenty of money being sent that way now. Remember, that was my original point before you got bent on the justification of abortion! The original point was that I was pissed how Barack could send 100's of millions of dollars around the world to destroy babies.. When our country needs...