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  1. J

    can any one tell me how many hrs of day light i need b4 startting my outdoor?

    can any one tell me how many hrs of day light i need b4 startting my outdoor?
  2. J

    how many hrs of day light do i need before planting outdoor??????

    how many hrs of day light do i need before planting outdoor??????:fire:
  3. J

    can any one help

    i got it from a canabis club i didnt get it from a seed
  4. J

    any one grown purple gorilla?

    any one grown purple gorilla? how was it?
  5. J

    how does a marijuana bud turn purple?

    what kind of purple is that in the pix?
  6. J

    can any one help

    tried but nothing to spesific
  7. J

    can any one help

    i got a new strain its called purple gorilla can anyone tell me how it does indoor or out. or if it has a purple color. thx ppl :-:?:
  8. J

    can any one help

    i got a new mother straing its called purple gorilla can any one tell me how it does indoor and out if you have pix plz post thx ppl