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  1. R

    Question about telling sex apart at 8-10 weeks. Any other ways to tell other than the balls?!

    I have a feeling he knows. Maybe he was testing? But remove or separate that male! The hairs(young stigma) are these the first to show? I feel there is more studying of the early growth shape of the male/ female or the details that can help to identify before potential balls or clear sex signs...
  2. R

    Question about telling sex apart at 8-10 weeks. Any other ways to tell other than the balls?!

    Thanks man. I’ve topped them four times mow But they are small and indoors until it gets warmer (southern ontario so have to wait for may 24 weekend, just hoping to tell the sexes before then so i can avoid repotting #firstworldproblems
  3. R

    Question about telling sex apart at 8-10 weeks. Any other ways to tell other than the balls?!

    Yes can see the pollen sacks. Prices that the females have the Linder hair there. But have to wait and see if balls develop. Or are the initial hairs also a sign?
  4. R

    Question about telling sex apart at 8-10 weeks. Any other ways to tell other than the balls?!

    I read you can tell the sex apart at six weeks from seed, and the male / female bits will form. However there is no sign of any balls. And every time I think I’ve found a stick It’s a god darn branch hair!. Here’s a pic of one of my plants any idea if it’s male or female is it possible to tell...
  5. R

    will buds continue to grow if plant has no fan leaves?

    oooOooo you must be an advocate for good threadicate
  6. R

    Uber Stealth Bubbleponics CFL White Rhino

    nice but.. isn't it going to stink?!
  7. R

    What is the crappiest strain you have grown???

    catnip. it fuckin sucks!!! :D
  8. R

    Sedating Couch Lock Strains

    that's fucking funny man :) I used to have a 1.5 hour drive home every day which would sometimes take as long as 3 hours. the joint after work is always the best :D sorry I can't help you with the strain. lots of indica if you want to get retarded :) why not go for something more happy and...
  9. R

    I want a happy up lifting high

    Thanks especially to Hobbs! I like the sound of : Kali Mist caramelicious Apollo 11 pandoras box Jilly Bean These are in my list anyway just one plant at a time for me me me :p
  10. R

    I want a happy up lifting high

    What shall I go for? I've been thinking that Caramelicious might do it for me. I want fun, happy, with least paranoia! if that is possible :) Thanks!!
  11. R

    What inline fan

    listen marijuana plants, which I have only been reading / learning about in the past month or so, have requirements for optimal growth right? maybe they prefer it with loads of air in more so than having a passive intake (other people have been telling me so) which is why I was asking about the...
  12. R

    What inline fan

    Yeah what a douche! I think he needs to smoke a bowl and pull up his knickers. Thanks dubs.
  13. R

    What inline fan

    awesome thanks man. does it matter how big the hole is (to let the air in?)
  14. R

    What inline fan

    yeah I don`t want to pressurize it I don`t really know what i`m talking about! so i`ll set that fan and filter up, up at the top (I think i`ll connect it to my hps/shade and I just leave a hole or opening at the bottom and all will be well. I might put an oscilating fan in front of the opening...
  15. R

    What inline fan

    thanks. I want to get rid of ALL smell. that's my goal. otherwise I won't be comfortable. and when I have my central air on, it'll pull the smell throughout the house if it's leaking out of a vent so I think that just leaving a hole in the tent somewhere so air can get in is a bad idea...
  16. R

    What inline fan

    ok. what about the smell though if there is a hole in the tent won't the smell come out of the hole!? the carbon filter fan setup is obviously for no smell etc. thanks for the help. there has also been speculation that if I don't bring enough fresh air in i'll have too much air going out, not...
  17. R

    What inline fan

    yes for airing out. but for bringing fresh air into the tent - don't I need a seperate (cheap!) fan for that ?
  18. R

    What inline fan

    Hi there if I buy this fan and filter for airing out of a 4 x 5 x 2 tent What inlet fan should I buy and does anyone know where I can get something cheap and chearful? I'm hoping this'll put a stop to any smell, obviously I need good...
  19. R

    3 species of weed? Idica, Sativa, ???RUDERALIS???

    woorrd... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
  20. R

    My shopping list, with a couple of q's!

    ok cool. i'm getting my head around what I need now, I've added your fan/filter to my list for now! and will see where I end up (will look for same but cheaper).