What inline fan


Well-Known Member
Hi there if I buy this fan and filter for airing out of a 4 x 5 x 2 tent http://www.htgsupply.com/viewproduct.asp?productID=52609

What inlet fan should I buy and does anyone know where I can get something cheap and chearful?

I'm hoping this'll put a stop to any smell, obviously I need good airflow coming in with a fan like this, but i'm hoping to do the inlet on the cheap!

This is for a very small 2 plant grow for personal, not commercial use.
if your exhuast fan is powerfull enough , you dont need a inlet fan ........its basic physics , if your drawing air out of a room aslong as there is a inlet vent it was cause a drag in which fresh air will be brought in . make sence ? as air goe's out , air comes in , just make sure your exuast is powerfull enough , i would buy a bigger fan than need ,2 reasons one it will last longer due to not being over powered through its life time and 2.reasurance in know your equipment can handle the job .


Well-Known Member
if your exhuast fan is powerfull enough , you dont need a inlet fan ........its basic physics , if your drawing air out of a room aslong as there is a inlet vent it was cause a drag in which fresh air will be brought in . make sence ? as air goe's out , air comes in , just make sure your exuast is powerfull enough , i would buy a bigger fan than need ,2 reasons one it will last longer due to not being over powered through its life time and 2.reasurance in know your equipment can handle the job .

Aka "passive intake"

Suck out of a sealed room the other hole in the room will suck in air.

If you push air into a room the other hole becomes passive exhaust.


Well-Known Member
ok. what about the smell though if there is a hole in the tent won't the smell come out of the hole!? the carbon filter fan setup is obviously for no smell etc.

thanks for the help.

there has also been speculation that if I don't bring enough fresh air in i'll have too much air going out, not enough coming in which is bad for the plants?
ok. what about the smell though if there is a hole in the tent won't the smell come out of the hole!? the carbon filter fan setup is obviously for no smell etc.

thanks for the help.

there has also been speculation that if I don't bring enough fresh air in i'll have too much air going out, not enough coming in which is bad for the plants?

Ok , as for exhuast being taken out and not being brought in , make sure your intake hole vent grill what ever you decide is at least 3 times as big as your exhuast outlet, then you shouldnt have a problem with the amount of fresh air being brought in , secondly your carbon filter , its a good idea to get a carbon filter what ever size grow you intend , the carbon filter will take out Most of the smelly air in flowering , but some odours might arouse in the home or where ever your growing , so air freshners stuff like that might help ,makes the smell mosty iradicated. thats my thoughts hope they help


Well-Known Member
thanks. I want to get rid of ALL smell. that's my goal. otherwise I won't be comfortable. and when I have my central air on, it'll pull the smell throughout the house if it's leaking out of a vent

so I think that just leaving a hole in the tent somewhere so air can get in is a bad idea.

instead I think it's best that I have an inlet fan drawing air in, this way it *should* stop any air leaking out at all. this will pressurise the tent I guess so I do need a fan big enough (Bringing in more air than the amount that is going out?) so if i'm buying this fan and filter: http://www.htgsupply.com/viewproduct...roductID=52609

would anyone be kind enough to point me to a fan that I can purchase here in canada that is cheap and suitable (right size?)

The tent I have my eyes set on (perfect size for me) is here: http://www.hydroponicsonline.com/store/hydroponics-for-sale.php?itemID=330373016107

thanks for all the help.

ps: I have done a lot of browsing already please don't think i'm lazy!

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
thanks. I want to get rid of ALL smell. that's my goal. otherwise I won't be comfortable. and when I have my central air on, it'll pull the smell throughout the house if it's leaking out of a vent

so I think that just leaving a hole in the tent somewhere so air can get in is a bad idea.

instead I think it's best that I have an inlet fan drawing air in, this way it *should* stop any air leaking out at all. this will pressurise the tent I guess so I do need a fan big enough (Bringing in more air than the amount that is going out?) so if i'm buying this fan and filter: http://www.htgsupply.com/viewproduct...roductID=52609

would anyone be kind enough to point me to a fan that I can purchase here in canada that is cheap and suitable (right size?)

The tent I have my eyes set on (perfect size for me) is here: http://www.hydroponicsonline.com/store/hydroponics-for-sale.php?itemID=330373016107

thanks for all the help.

ps: I have done a lot of browsing already please don't think i'm lazy!

You don't want to pressurize your tent!! Doing this will cause the odours to be pushed out..You want to keep the tent under negative pressure (slight vacuum) like everyone else has already said...If the tent is negatively pressurized you can have an opening (to allow fresh air in) and no odours will escape because air is being sucked in..trust me, hospitals use positve and negative pressure to keep infectious germs from migrating through out the hospital..this is fact not fiction..


Well-Known Member
You don't want to pressurize your tent!! Doing this will cause the odours to be pushed out..You want to keep the tent under negative pressure (slight vacuum) like everyone else has already said...If the tent is negatively pressurized you can have an opening (to allow fresh air in) and no odours will escape because air is being sucked in..trust me, hospitals use positve and negative pressure to keep infectious germs from migrating through out the hospital..this is fact not fiction..
yeah I don`t want to pressurize it I don`t really know what i`m talking about!

so i`ll set that fan and filter up, up at the top (I think i`ll connect it to my hps/shade

and I just leave a hole or opening at the bottom and all will be well. I might put an oscilating fan in front of the opening to help draw a bit more air in around that area. (this fan will be blowing on everything just a little it'll be small and on a low setting.

hope no smell creeps out of that hole :cuss:

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
just make sure the oscillating fan doesn't point toward the opening and you should be good to go, and keep the exhaust fan running 24/7, you won't smell anything outside your tent...


Well-Known Member
just make sure the oscillating fan doesn't point toward the opening and you should be good to go, and keep the exhaust fan running 24/7, you won't smell anything outside your tent...
awesome thanks man.

does it matter how big the hole is (to let the air in?)

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Not really..just don't make it too big, to keep the tent under negative pressure air must be exhausted faster than it can enter...


requena said:
yeah I don`t want to pressurize it I don`t really know what i`m talking about!
Yea you really don't know what you are talking about.

Ok you have some huge gaps of knowledge about air pressure and how air works - you've missed years and years of science class and a grow forum is a really inappropriate place to have this knowledge filled in.

If air is being pushed out - it is also being sucked in - like the guy said, 'passive intake' - if you don't understand this you have no hope of making it through a grow . . . .

Think about a bong.


Well-Known Member
Yea you really don't know what you are talking about.

Ok you have some huge gaps of knowledge about air pressure and how air works - you've missed years and years of science class and a grow forum is a really inappropriate place to have this knowledge filled in.

If air is being pushed out - it is also being sucked in - like the guy said, 'passive intake' - if you don't understand this you have no hope of making it through a grow . . . .

Think about a bong.
Gee what a nice guy.

Put your plants in some dirt...give them water, air, nutes and some attention and you'll be fine.
wow this really shouldnt be an issue , its standard physics , i know people are'nt smarter than some people but it really isnt hard to understnad this , if your exuasting air out it will cause a passive intake which will drag air in , odours wont escape the opening vent as the air is being sucked in not pushed out , and where your exhuast is you will have a carbon filter , you will be fine ! make sure the inlet hole is atleast twice the size of the exhuast hole and you should really be fine . :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yea you really don't know what you are talking about.

Funny , he did say that ...lol
So its not an insult ....more of a quote.....

Ok you have some huge gaps of knowledge about air pressure and how air works - you've missed years and years of science class

I wasnt paying attention in science class....to busy talking to chick and to high to grasp knowledge....

and a grow forum is a really inappropriate place to have this knowledge filled in.

On the contrary i even learned a bunch of stuff in just 2 minutes reading this thread....

If air is being pushed out - it is also being sucked in - like the guy said, 'passive intake' - if you don't understand this you have no hope of making it through a grow . . . .

didnt someone already make this point?????lol

Think about a bong.

Id rather smoke one....lol:-P


Well-Known Member
wow this really shouldnt be an issue , its standard physics , i know people are'nt smarter than some people but it really isnt hard to understnad this , if your exuasting air out it will cause a passive intake which will drag air in , odours wont escape the opening vent as the air is being sucked in not pushed out , and where your exhuast is you will have a carbon filter , you will be fine ! make sure the inlet hole is atleast twice the size of the exhuast hole and you should really be fine . :bigjoint:
You have definately had the best advice so far ..... :bigjoint: