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  1. C

    Advice for venting a DR120.. 4x4x7

    soooo noooo one has any idea??
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    Advice for venting a DR120.. 4x4x7

    Hey Guys, I ordered a DR120 that's coming at the end of the week and wanted to get your input on my venting plans. My area is 4x4x7 and I will be using one 600W HPS. For my 600w HPS: duct-hood-duct-fan-exhaust For the tent: duct-fan-exhaust My question is: 1) If i am using...
  3. C

    Educate yourself before you vote on prop.19.

    i also voted NO today. i don't want to sound paranoid but i agree with cannatari that the feds will most certainly become involved. for the sake of all MMJ users, i do not want the government to fuck this up, as they have such a knack for doing. it is already decriminalized for possession up to...
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    Educate yourself before you vote on prop.19.

    if you're talking about the medical card in california, the limits are different for each city. for example in san diego you can only have 24 plants, but in santa cruz you can have up to 99. you can also appoint someone to be your "caretaker" where they grow your medicine for you if you are...
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    Tokers Voting NO on Proposition 19

    hey grow4fun, i totally agree with you and have been trying to tell everyone the same. everyone just thinks LEGALIZED! and they get excited and focus only on that one point while forgetting about the much larger downside there is to this. why fuck with something that isn't broken, and in fact is...
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    CFL Soil Grow : Skunk#1, Skywalker, Whiteberry

    this is true the whiteberry is spreading like ivy. i have 22 gal boxes now, do you think i could just upgrade it to [1 quad stacked 35 gallons] or do [2 double stacked 22 gallons]?
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    CFL Soil Grow : Skunk#1, Skywalker, Whiteberry

    haha.. yeah i got it figured out already. i'm basically getting 2 more boxes and it will just be quad stacked, about 6 feet tall. i just haven't done it yet so the lights could be closer to the plants.
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    CFL Soil Grow : Skunk#1, Skywalker, Whiteberry

    I am finally doing a proper-ish grow journal.. I'm a bit late on starting it as the girls are just starting their 4th veg week.. I'm using FFOF with FF nutes. Six 150watt CFL's. :leaf:skunk#1 close-up :leaf:skywalker close-up I plan to veg for another 2 or 3 weeks.. depending...